

(担任剧务的人) stage manager (担任庶务的人) a person in charge of business matters (担任指导的人) technical adviser (担任某一课程的教学) give a course; teach a subject; deliver a course: (担任美术工作的人) art designer
(担保人) guarantor (担保人) guarantor (担当为难事情的人) a person handling a delicate matter (担负的分量极重) almost too much to cope with: (拆洗机器) strip and clean:
(拇指与食指相联接部分) part of the hand between the thumb and the index finger (拉拢; 勾结) draw sb. over to one's side; collude with; rope in (拉拢吹拍) exchange flattery and favours; ramble; traffic in flattery and favours; resort to boasting, flattery and touting; traffic in mutual flattery and commendation; resort to mutual boosting and flattery; flatter and tout each other (拍摄) take a photograph of; shoot: (拍马屁的人) adulator
(拐骗之人) abductor (拖延) drag on (拘留) keep in custody; detain: (拘谨) feel or show constraint: (招惹) incite; provoke
(招牌) shop sign (拜有名望或有权势的人为师, 自称门生) became a pupil or apprentice to a master (拜访) pay a visit to; go and see (拥护佛法) protect and maintain the Buddha -- truth: (拨出款项等) appropriate
(拮据) hard up: (拼凑) patch up: (拼命地) recklessly; desperately; like mad; for all one's worth: (拼命) desperately: (拼音字母的一种写法) capitalization:
(拼音字母的印刷体) block letter (拼音字母的手写体) running hand (拿不合格的人充数) serve as a stopgap (拿他人发泄怒气) vent one's anger or ill temper: (拿某人怎么办) do sth. to a person:
(持有见解) advocate; stand for; lay claim to; set up a claim to; maintain; hold: (挂衣物用的)真空吸盘 vacuum cup; (指一个个的人或物) persons or things taken singly: (指下级) lower level; subordinate (指下面的) the following:
(指不同于过去) view sb. in a new, more favourable light; look at sb. in a different light; see sb. in a new light; treat sb. with special consideration; view a person in quite a different light than one does the rest of the people (指东西; 事物) thing: (指五种罪恶) “five evils” (bribery, tax evasion, theft of state property, cheating on government contracts and stealing of economic information); “five poisons” (a campaign was launched in 1952 against capitalist bribery of government employees, tax evasion, theft of state property, cheating on government contracts and stealing economic information for speculation) (指人 、言论等,含贬义) stuff; trash; rubbish: (指人体) a man's body
(指人去世的年龄) the age at which one dies: (指人) fellow; guy: (指人) good friends despite great difference in age (指人) lacquerer; lacquer man; painter (指人) recidivist
(指人) very bright-minded; be quick on the uptake with a ready tongue (指佛教) Buddhism (指作战行动) secretly ferry (指做事情) awkward at first, but easy afterwards; difficult at first but easy later on (指做通译的人) interpreter
(指军人) warrior; a military man: (指副食品) non-staple food: (指动作) jump over the box horse (指医生) a doctor trained in Western medicine (指参加改革运动者) crusader
(指名要某人做某项工作) name a person for a particular job (指商店资金雄厚,有信誉) first-class; most reliable; well established (指喜庆日临时搭成的) temporary ceremonial arch; arch [gateway] for celebration purposes (指器械) box horse; vaulting box (指器械) discus
(指器械)vaulting horse (指在别国的国境内) enclave; exclave: (指坏人的勾结) as thick as thieves (指头发式样) parted hair (指妇女举止轻佻) coquettish
(指字写得不呆板) facile and graceful (指实际上为别人的利益服务的人) agent (指家境贫困) poverty-striken: (指对小孩的一种惩罚手段) spank (指将来) within the next few days
(指小偷) clever at manipulating money, though destitute; be a pickpocket (指工作的班次) middle shift; swing shift: (指工具或武器) tool; utensil; weapon: (指底本) original version (of a literary work): (指建筑物) upper beam
(指很小的小孩) tiny tot (指意见; 见解) version; argument (指意识) ideas: (指戏曲演员在青春期嗓音变低或变哑) (of an actor's voice) become hoarse or low (指挥作战) command troops:
(指捐税、 债务等) reduce or remit (taxation, etc.); reduction and exemption; exempt and reduce: (指文艺作品) with ease and verve; fully: (指无过错的人与有过错的人一起被批评或处分) be criticized or punished together with the guilty (指智能方面) develop (in skill, etc.): (指有德行有才学的女子) a woman with literary talent; a lady writer; a literary woman; graceful girls
(指机构庞大, 调度不灵) overstaffed: (指某个一定的时间) a time for sth. to be done or to happen: (指歌曲中间的乐器演奏部分) short interlude between verses (指歌曲开始的乐器演奏部分) opening bars (指殖民国家本土) metropolitan territory
(指生活或生存) keep alive; make a living: (指皇帝) the emperor; Your Majesty (对皇帝的直接称呼); His Majesty (对皇帝的间接称呼) (指睡眠) sound (指称足智多谋的人) a person of great wisdom and resourcefulness; mastermind: (指竿) climbing pole
(指笔译) translator (指笔) pen: (指第三次国内革命战争) China's War of Liberation (1945-1949) (指绘画) painting: (指老年人死) die of old age:
(指职业) job: (指能力差的对手) at the hands of sb. (指英美某种社会改革运动) crusade (指虚伪的话) hypocritical talk (指表亲关系) cousinship
(指讲话离开主题) speak beside the point; wander from the subject (指责) gossip; talk: (指过了节日) after the festivities (指选票) invalidated ballot; spoilt vote (指酒席) wedding feast
(指长江) the Changjiang River; the Yangtze River (指零头): (指项目) discus throw (指项目) horse-vaulting (指项目) pole-climbing
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