

(心中默记) memorize (心乱) confused (state of mind) (心事) sth. weighing on one's mind (心地; 存心) intention: (心地纯洁) large-hearted; magnanimous; bighearted; broad-minded
(心地诚实的人) a person with one-track mind (心情不舒畅) depressed; in low spirits: (心情安定) keep one's mind on sth.: (心情) state of mind; mood (心情) state of mind; mood:
(心意) intention; purpose (心烦) feel disturbed (心神不定) feel uncertain; feel nervous: (心肠慈善的人) a term applied to a kindhearted person (心肠残忍) cruel; cruel-hearted; heartless; merciless; pitiless; ruthless
(心里不痛快) feel unhappy; feel bad: (心里存有) cherish; keep in mind: (心里平静) calm (心里烦乱) confused; troubled; perturbed: (心里的怒气) hidden anger; pent-up fury
(心里苦闷) gloomy; melancholy; depressed (心里豁亮) clear (in one's thinking): (心里难过的感觉) sad; mournful (心)收缩前期 perisystole; (心)收缩过度 hypersystole;
(心)收缩过弱 hyposystole; (必定) surely; certainly; be bound to; necessarily: (必然) definitely; unquestionably; undoubtedly: (必经要地) gateway; important passageway: (必要的条件) prerequisite; presupposition; antecedent; precondition:
(必须知道的事项) points for attention; notice: (忍受) endure; bear (志同道合的人) people with the same ideals: (志趣和性格) disposition; temperament: (忠告的话) sincere advice; advice:
(忠诚) loyal and faithful (忽略) forget; overlook; neglect; dismiss from one's mind: (怀念旧时光) for old time's sake (怀念老朋友) yearn for old friends (怀疑) doubt
(怀疑) suspect doubt: (怕负责任) shrink from responsibility (怜悯) pity; have pity on; take compassion on: (思忖; 盘算) ponder (思想、意念不集中) be absent-minded:
(思想开阔) with one's mental outlook broadened: (思想感情不外露) concealing one's real feelings: (思想或生活习惯过时的人) old fogey; fuddy-duddy; an ultra-conservative: (急于求成) impetuosity; a disease of impetuosity: (急切地看着不如意的事情发生而无可奈何) helplessly:
(急流的水) racing current; swift flow (of water) (急迫的事) emergency: (性急) impetuous; rash; impatient: (性情古怪的人) an eccentric person (性情急躁的人) an impetuous person:
(性情粗鲁) rough; boorish: (性情迟缓的人) slowpoke; slow coach: (性格不爽朗) not outgoing; withdrawn: (性格洒脱; 不拘束) free and easy; bold and unconstrained (性格爽朗) straightforward; forthright:
(怨恨) resentment; grievance; old scores: (怯场) have stage fright (怯懦; 无能) stupid, cowardly and timid; good-for-nothing; hopelessly stupid: (总的名称) a general designation (总的形势) overall situation
(总的管路) main pipe (恋爱中男女的一方) sweetheart (恋爱对象) boy friend; girl friend (恋爱着的男女幽会的日期、时间) lovers' rendezvous (恩惠) favour; grace; bounty
(恭敬; 顺从) submissively (恭维话) flattery (恳切; 迫切) earnestly; imperatively: (恼怒; 动气) be angry; turn angry [wrathful]; get rude [rough]; be enraged (患白痴的人) idiot; ament; oaf
(悬挂在宫殿庙宇等屋檐下的金属片) tinkling pieces of metal hanging from the eaves of pagodas, temples, etc. (悲伤; 怅惘) distracted; sad (悲伤; 怅惘) sad; forlorn; distracted (悲壮地歌唱) sing with solemn fervour (悲壮的或哀痛的歌) a song of lament; elegy; dirge; threnody
(悼念死去的妻子) mourn one's deceased wife (情况严重) terrible; awful: (情况坏得无法挽救) past remedy (情况) movement; happenings; events; state; condition; activity: (情势; 场面) situation; condition; circumstances
(情势) battle array; a disposition of combat forces; battle formation: (情势) situation; circumstances; trend of events (情景) scene; sight; circumstances (情绪低落的样子) dejected; downcast; low-spirited; gloomy: (情绪低落, 精神不振) listless; droopy; sluggish
(情绪) feeling; mood: (情调趣味) interest; appeal; delight: (情谊深切的人) bosom [intimate] friend (情趣) interest; fun: (情趣) interest; overtone; flavour:
(惊异得说不出话来) gape with astonishment [wonder]; gaping at with wonder (惋惜) feel sorry; make one's heart ache: (想像中的地方) Land of Cockaigne (想动手做某事) have an itch to do sth.: (想探知秘密的事) inquisitive
(想法; 念头) idea (想法) consideration;calculation: (想法) tentative plan; tentative idea: (惹人注意) offensively conspicuous (愉快; 舒服) pleasant; refreshing; comfortable:
(意外变故) accident; mishap: (意外的事) accidents (意外的障碍) snag; 碰钉子 hit a snag; strike a snag; meet with a rebuff (from); run against a snag (意志和胆量) will and courage (意思) intention; purpose:
(意料不到) unexpected: (意见不相投) can not see eye to eye; not get along well: (意见) statement; version; argument: (意见,愿望) opinion; wish; desire: (感到寂寞) friendless; lonely:
(感到幸福愉快) quite pleased; happy; delighted; gratified (感到愉快) quite pleased; gratified; happy: (感动) move sb.; stir up sb.'s feelings (感情脆弱) mawkish; maudlin; foolishly sentimental; sentimentally silly (感想) reflections; thoughts; recollections:
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