

(旧时指日本) Japan (旧时比喻有名的妓女) the most popular courtesan; famous prostitute (旧时泛指四方各地) all corners of the country: (旧时称在豪富人家帮闲凑趣的人) hanger-on; sycophant (旧时称妇女怀孕称身怀六甲) pregnancy
(旧时称望远镜) telescope; field glasses (旧时送礼, 请求照顾) bribe (旧社会仆人尊称女主人) madame; lady (旧社会)遗留物 remnant of the old society; (时代) epoch; era:
(时候) time: (时期; 日子) times; years; days: (时机) timeliness; opportunity (时而) now... now...: (时间上的) interval; break:
(时间悄然流逝的) imperceptibly passing (时间或经济宽裕) plentiful; sufficient; enough: (时间里的某一点) (a point in) time; moment: (时间) time: (昂贵) dear; expensive; exorbitant; costly:
(昂贵) extremely precious (明亮) bright; light: (明天) tomorrow: (明明; 显然) clearly; plainly; evidently: (明显) clear; obvious:
(明清两代盛行的长篇戏曲) poetic dramas of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911); verse dramas (明白流畅) (of writings) clear and smooth (明白; 清楚) see or understand clearly: (明白) perfectly clear: (昏乱) dazed; befuddled:
(易怒的性情) bad temper: (春天的太阳) light of spring (春季的气候) spring weather: (春心) thoughts of love (春联) Sping Festival couplets
(昨天) yesterday (是非; 好坏) right and wrong; strong and weak points; good and bad: (显微镜下)无色体 shadow; (显摆; 炫示) show off (显眼; 引人注目) conspicuous; attracting attention; startling; shocking
(显示自己以为有价值的东西) show off what one treasures; display what one cherishes (显著明白) marked; striking (晚年的景况) one's circumstances in old age: (晚辈亲属之妻) the wife of a relative of the younger generation: (普通的人) ordinary man; nobody; a man of no importance:
(景色凄凉) bleak; desolate: (景象) view; scence: (暖和) warm: (暗中、背后活动) underplay; engage in veiled strife: (暗中刺探) investigate in secret:
(暗中更换人或事) palm off the spurious for the genuine; place a substitute by subterfuge; resort to dishonest practices of putting in substitutes; (stealthily) substitute one thing for another (暗中谋划) scheme; plot: (暗含的意思) hidden meaning; implied meaning: (暴力事件) violence that involves casualties (曲艺用语) quote in storytelling
(曲艺的一种) a kind of quyi (曲艺的一种) dagu (versified story sung to the accompaniment of a small drum and other instruments) (曲艺的一种) professional storytelling in a local dialect: (替别人办事) do sth. for sb.; take trouble on sb.'s behalf (最低限度) at least:
(最后一名优胜者) last winner in a contest; last among the winners; the last of the successful candidates; a person who comes last in a contest (最后一招) unexpected tricky move (as a last resort) (最后一段) final stage; end; ending: (最后的作品) the last work of an author or painter (最后) at last; in the end; after all; finally:
(最小的女儿) the youngest daughter (最近几天) within the next few days: (最高领导职位) chairman; president: (月亮) the moon (月初) the beginning of the month
(有一些) somewhat; rather: (有优越条件) be in an advantageous position; advantageous; favourable: (有六指儿的人) one whose hand has six fingers (有办事才能的人) capable [able] person (有博士学位的女子) a woman with a doctor's degree
(有历史意义的诗歌) epic (有史以来) since the dawn of history; since the beginning of history: (有委屈或烦恼而不能发泄) choke with resentment; feel injured and resentful; feel angry and depressed; dejected (有威风) imposing; impressive; awe-inspiring; majestic looking: (有实际好处) substantial; solid:
(有希望) find the beginning of a solution; be hopeful (有影响) get the upper hand; be in the ascendant (有德行、有才能的人) a person of talents and virtue (有德行, 有才能) (of a man) able and virtuous (有心事) have sth. on one's mind; be troubled
(有必要; 必须) there is need to; it is necessary to; it is worth while to: (有志气或有气魄) (of a man) having high aspirations and boldness of vision (有根据; 站得住) be tenable; hold water: (有棉套等保暖的水壶) a teapot with a cosy (有注解的书不录注解只印正文的本子) an unannotated edition of a book
(有热情) warm; fervent; enthusiastic; warmhearted: (有石头的土山) rocky mound (有组织的群众行列) ranks; contingent: (有能力的人) able person (有能力) capable; efficient; competent:
(有腥味的) stinking; fishy;stenchy (有象牙雕刻装饰的床) ivory-inlaid bed (有财势的人) the powerful rich; the rich and powerful (有趣味) interesting (有趣味) interesting; enjoyable:
(有过一次) on one occasion: (有长处可取的人) one with strong points worth recommending (有问题) when problems crop up; if sth. happens: (有零) odd: (有需要时) whenever necessary; as the occasion demands:
(有魄力) bold and vigorous: (服从道理) listen to reason; be amenable to reason; be reasonable; be sensible; appeal to reason: (服劳役的人) wula labourer (服装颜色深, 样式旧) dark and old-fashioned (朝代) dynasty:
(朝廷) imperial court; royal court (朝鲜的人数最多的民族) the Korean people (木制绕线架) I-shaped reel (木钉; 竹钉) peg; wooden peg; bamboo peg (未出嫁的女子) young lady
(未必) be unlikely to (未来的丈夫家) fiancé's family: (未经考虑) speak casually; say without thinking; say offhandedly: (本份以外所得的财物) extra irregular income (本分以外) not one's job [duty]; beyond one's duty; outside the scope of one's duty:
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