

(建议或意见以备讨论的政府文件) Green Paper (建设国家) build up a country: (开会没人发言的情景) awkward silence at a meeting: (开发自然、自然资源的努力) battle: (开墒) plough the first furrow as a guideline
(开头) at the very start; right at the beginning: (开始做某件事时表现出来的本领) skill displayed in making opening moves: (开始的时候) at first; in the beginning; originally: (开始耕种) start spring ploughing (开始) start; begin:
(开心;取笑) make fun of (开拓发展) open up; develop: (开拔前进) move; march; be on the move (开支的费用) cost; expense (开朗; 爽快) forthright; bright and cheerful:
(开朗) hearty; candid; frank and open; straightforward: (开玩笑) jeer; boo and hoot: (开脱罪名) acquit; absolve (开诚相见) open and sincere (开过的水) boiled water:
(开除) expel; dismiss; remove from office: (异端邪说) heresy; heterodoxy; heterodox doctrines; heretical branch [doctrines]; black magic; unlawful and tricky ways (弄清楚) clear up; clarify: (引人发笑的话或举动) words to amuse; gimmick; act meant to excite laughter: (引导着前进) lead; bring along; spur on:
(引火用的木柴) kindling; firewood (引诱) seduce: (引起正文的话) introductory remarks; introduction: (引起灾难的人或事物) scourge; curse; bane: (引起苦的味觉) bitter to the taste:
(引起) cause; create; provoke: (引起) incur; bring about; cause; result in; lead to: (弟兄们) brothers (弟弟) younger brother (弦乐器上的弦轴) (tuning) peg; (lute) pin
(弯曲或蜷曲成环状或球状) round (弯腰) bend one's back; stoop: (弱) thin and weak; frail: (强力限制; 束缚) confine; shackle: (强暴的势力) ferocious adversary:
(强横的人) despot; bully (强烈的不满或仇恨) resentment; grudge; enmity (强盗) robber (强调限于某种情况或范围) simply: (强迫对方服从) hold sb. under duress; coerce sb. into submission
(强迫) force sb. to do sth.: (强风) strong wind (归还原物) return (a borrowed object) with thanks: (当个正派人) be an upright person: (当代) this age; the contemporary age
(当作) regard as; look on as; take for: (当做珍宝看待; 重视) value; treasure; set store by: (当前的) present; now: (当地群众) local people; villagers; folks: (当场露出马脚) give the whole show away on the spot
(当天) this or that very day: (当真) take seriously; take to heart: (当面招呼用的名称) form of address (形体均匀) (of the human figure) well proportioned; wellbalanced (形势复杂分辨不清) bewildered by a complicated situation
(形势)预报图 prog chart; {气} prognostic chart; (形容不成器) (of a man) good-for-nothing; worthless (形容书法笔势盘曲离披之态) write with a natural and unrestrained penmanship (形容云气上升) densely; profusely: (形容人或花木美好) gracefully slim
(形容人消瘦露骨) bony; thin: (形容低微的哭声) whimpering: (形容低微的流水声) murmuring: (形容内心痛苦) pained; agonized; anguished: (形容和别人合不来) standoffish; aloof; unsociable
(形容困难) difficult; hard going: (形容声调或景色使人舒畅) entirely free from worry; comfortable; pleasant; wonderful (形容声音突然中止): (形容大小、疏密不一致) (of size and density) varied (形容天色阴沉) murky; cloudy; gloomy
(形容完整而不可分割) integral and indivisible (形容小雨) drizzly (形容山石突兀、重叠) jagged; rugged; craggy: (形容很小) very small; tiny (形容很快地旋转或流动) spinning very quickly
(形容情绪热烈) vying with one another; eagerly; enthusiastically: (形容感到幸福愉快) quite pleased; happy (形容昏暗) hazy; dim; dusky (形容月圆) round: (形容树木茂盛) luxuriant
(形容气魄雄伟、声势浩大) in a grand fashion; with grandeur (形容水势浩大) flooding; overflowing (形容汗、泪、雨水等不断地流下) dripping; streaming: (形容浓云蔽日) (of clouds) thick; cloudy (形容滚动的声音) rumble
(形容烦闷) worried (形容独创) original: (形容畅快) free from inhibition: (形容茂盛)见“欣欣向荣” (形容说话声):
(形容说话快而多, 上气不接下气) gasp for breath; out of breath: (形容高耸) erect (形成的想法) proposition; concept; idea; blueprint (彩色电视机) a colour TV set: (彩色通路);抑制交感素 synpathin;
(影响尚未达到的地方) a spot as yet untouched by sth. (影片) film; movie (彼此来往) visit each other: (往将来看) look into the future; look ahead: (往日) former days
(径直) directly; headlong: (待下去) stand one's ground; consolidate one's position (待人处事的态度) self-cultivation: (待在某地) stand one's ground; consolidate one's position; gain a firm footing; stay put: (很像) just like:
(很高的利润) huge profit: (很) greatly; very: (徒有外表而无学识的人) an outwardly attractive but worthless person (得到传授人亲自传授的一派) disciples taught by the master himself (得到决窍) get the hang
(得到好效果) be rewarded with a fruitful result; get good result: (得到帮助) get help from: (得力助手) reliable helper; right-hand man (得势) be in the ascendent (循环小数的); (首尾)循环借位 end-around borrow;
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