

(指首尾): (指黄河) the Huanghe River; the Yellow River (按停顿加圈点) punctuate (按月的啊报) monthly report (按自己的意志行事) insist on one's own ways in doing things
(挑剔) find fault with; be overcritical (挑战) make challenges to a contest (挑拨; 设法支使) egg on; incite: (挑拨) stir up (挑拨) stir up; incite; provoke; sow dissension; rouse:
(挥霍的人) a spoilt son of a rich family; spendthrift (挨一板子) get one bat (挨揍) take a beating; get licked (挪动地方) move sth. to make room (挫折) frustrate; subdue; setback; reverse
(振动) shake off; shake out of sth: (捏造) fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up: (捏造) invent; fabricate: (捕捉鱼) catch fish; work (损坏后重新安上的零件) a replacement:
(损害) bring disaster to; damage; destroy; wreck; ruin (捣乱; 发脾气) stir up trouble; get angry (捣乱) make mischief; cause trouble; exercise evil influence (授与) award; confer: (掌大权的人) person with power
(掌权的大官) an official in power (掌管) be in charge of: (排、篮、网、羽毛球场) court (排列在道路两旁) line both sides of the street: (排挤) push out; squeeze out
(排斥) ban; reject (排行第一的人) eldest child (排遣) divert oneself from; dispel (排遣) divert oneself from loneliness or boredom (探望) call on; visit; pay a visit to
(探望, 问候) inquire after (探求学问) pursue one's studies; seek knowledge: (接二连三的思想活动) thoughts (接于动词性词根): (接于名词性词根):
(接于形容词性词根): (接在方位词后): (接待客人的人) host: (接待) greet and entertain; attend to: (接替前任职务的人) succesor:
(接触) contact; link: (接近应有的样子) be close to what it should be; be relevant: (接近) near; next to: (接通电源) energize (控制, 主持) have in hand; take into one's hands; hold; control:
(推动) prompt; urge; spur on: (推卸责任) pass the buck; kick sth. back and forth like a ball; shift responsibility onto others: (推翻) repudiate; cancel; reverse: (推荐信) letter of recommendation; reference (推荐或任用跟自己有关系的人) recommend or appoint one's friends or favourites
(掩护坏人的场所) a hideout for evildoers (掩护坏思想的事物) a cover for wrong thoughts (掸灰) beat clothing to remove dust; remove dust with a towel, duster, etc. (描写) portray: (描述) describe:
(提供好的经验或意见) offer a valuable piece of advice or one's valuable experience (提出的主张) proposal; motion (提到的事或人家刚说完的话) sth. just said [mentioned]: (提升) promote (提高指标) raise the quota:
(提高赌注) raise the stakes in gambling (插曲; 穿插在大事件中的小故事) digression; episode (插枝)transplant a cutting (插足) step in (to gain an advantage) (揣度) conjecture; guess:
(揭露) expose; bring to light: (搀杂进去) mix; mingle (搜寻招致) enlist the services of: (搪塞) prevaricate; equivocate (搬家) move (house)
(搬弄是非的话) gossip: (搬弄) play with; juggle with: (搭起的棚子) makeshift shelter (摆布; 利用) order about; manipulate (摆布) manipulate; order about
(摆弄) tinker with; fiddle with: (摆脱不开) cannot get away from: (摆脱窘境) help sb. out of a predicament; save sb. from embarrassment; get sb. out of a fix; ease sb.'s embarrassment: (摆脱责任) shake off responsibility (摇摆) mobile; uncertain; wave to and fro; float:
(摔跤运动员穿的上衣) jacket made of several layers of cloth, worn by wrestlers (摘录的文章) extracts; excerpts: (摘录) extracts; excerpts (摘记的要点) extracts; excerpts: (摹写书画等并印刷) copy and print
(摹刻的成品) carved reproduction of an inscription or painting (撑船人) boatman (擅自进入不应进的地方) encroach upon a place one is not supposed to enter (操作轻松灵巧) deft; dexterous: (支付账款) pay the bill
(支持) back up; support (收不回来的账) bad debt; bad accounts (收到的家信) a letter from home (收回) revoke; retract; withdraw: (收成) prospects for the autumn harvest
(收拢把持) have within control (收拾) pack (for a journey): (收操) finish drilling (收音机) radio receiving set (改变做坏事的念头) have a change of heart
(改变包装) repack; repackage (改变原来的装置) modify; refit; reequip (改变落后面貌或不利处境) thoroughly change the backwardness of sth.: (改正错误) correct one's mistake (改邪归正) stop doing evil and reform oneself
(放不下心) anxious; worried: (放在姓名前, 用于称呼) Sir (放在数量词前, 表示估计) about; or so: (放映; 放音) replay (放纵) unbridled; wanton
(放纵) unrestrained; self-indulgent; wanton: (放荡) dissipated; loose; intemperate: (放荡) unconventional (政府拥有或控制的土地) public domain (政治才能) statecraft; statesmanship:
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