

(感谢别人的好意) Please don't bother, but I'll help myself. (慰劳军队) take greetings and gifts to army units (慷慨地) generously; without stint: (慷慨; 大方) generous; really kind: (憔悴颓丧的样子) haggard; gaunt:
(憔悴) haggard; wizened: (憔悴) wan and sallow; thin and pallid (懂得) know; understand: (懂道理) sensible; reasonable: (懦夫; 胆怯者) coward
(戏剧中从一个场面变到另一个场面) transition (戏剧脸谱的一种) red face, face painting in Beijing opera, etc., traditionally for the heroic or the honest (戏弄人以取笑) make fun of; play a joke on sb. (戏弄人) play tricks (戏弄别人) amuse oneself at sb.'s expense; make fun of sb.; play a joke on sb.
(戏曲、小说的引子) prologue in some modern novels (戏曲中使用的武器) weapons used in operas (戏曲中指忽然高亢的唱腔) a sudden rise in pitch (in opera singing) (戏曲中指挥其他乐器的鼓板节奏) clapper beats which set the tempo and lead the orchestra in traditional Chinese operas (戏曲中旦角的一种) female role
(戏曲中武将帽子上所插的雉尾) long pheasant tail feathers worn on warriors' helmets in Chinese operas (戏曲演员专业分工的类别) type of roles (in traditional Chinese operas) (戏词) actor's lines (成串的小爆竹) a string of small firecrackers (成全; 帮助) help sb. attain his aim; aid:
(成堆的东西) heap: (成套或成对中的一个) an odd one: (成套的器物等) outfit; equipment: (成捆的管子) pipe bundle; pipe column (我们的) our:
(我国东北的旧称) Manchuria (我国神话中指主宰文章兴衰的神) the god of literature (或多或少) somewhat; more or less; to some extent: (战争的规模扩大, 事态紧张程度加深) escalate: (战争) fighting; war:
(战争) fighting; war: (战场上吃败仗) be defeated (战斗力强的队伍) strong army; invincible or tough army (房子号码) house number: (房间) room:
(房顶) roof (所做的最后决定) verdict; final decision (所听到的内容) what one hears (所插枝条) cutting wood, seed piece (所标明的价钱) marked price; posted price:
(所经历的年代) age; time: (所谓的) so-called: (手头的经济情况) one's financial condition at the moment (手头) at the hands of sb. (手工制品) work; handiwork
(手工制的)绣花网眼花边 darned lace; (手工艺工人) artisan; handicraftsman (手工费) charge for the making of sth. (手推车等的) shaft (手札) personal letter:
(手段, 计策) trick; device (手边无钱) have no money at hand; be short of cash: (手边) at hand (才华超群) outstanding; extraordinary (打交道) mix with other people; socialize; have social intercourse with; go [move] about; attend to guests [friends]:
(打人) raise a hand (to strike); hit out: (打听, 调查) find out; acquaint oneself with: (打字机)原位键排 home row; (打拍板) beat time with clappers (打招呼) yoo-hoo
(打比方) compare one thing to another: (打牌时继续做庄家) be the banker or dealer (打破情面) not spare sb.'s sensibilities (打算) think over; plan: (打麻将牌) play mah-jong
(扔下不管) refuse to do; wash one's hand of: (执行斩刑) behead (扰乱) mess up; spoil (扶助; 提拔) help; support; assist; promote (扶植) guide and support; give guidance and help to
(批准某人生前要求) admit or confer posthumously: (批准稿件付印) send manuscripts to the press: (批示) comments and instructions (批评别人的意见或要求) refute; criticize; rebut: (批语和注释) annotations and commentaries; marginalia; head-note
(找碴) find fault with; try hard to find fault; cavil (找职业) look for a job (承受颤抖) shiver (承当) deserve; be worthy of: (承认一种事实, 也不否认另一种事实) of course; admittedly:
(把东西卖出得到钱) barter (goods) for money; sell: (把事情办成的根据或信心; 成功的可靠性) assurance; certainty: (把事情往身上拉) take upon oneself (sb. else's work, etc.) (把事情搞糟了) bungle matters (把事搞坏) ruin sth.; make things worse:
(把单篇的文章编在一起; 编成集子) collect articles, etc. into a volume: (把希望、理想等放在某人某事上) place (hope, etc.) on; find sustenance in; repose: (把柄) sth. that may be used against one; a handle (把某物压紧) mat down (把灯挂在高处) hang lantern
(把粮食从一个仓库弄到另一个仓库) transfer grain from one granary to another (抑制不住; 不由得) can't help (doing sth.); can't refrain from: (抑扬动听) sweet and agreeable: (抑扬顿挫) flowing rhythm (投机贩子) scalper
(投标价) bid price (抗日战争时期国民党统治下的西南、西北地区) the area under KMT rule during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (折叠留下的痕迹) crease; fold; wrinkle (折磨) afflict; torment (折磨) cause physical or mental suffering; get sb. down:
(抚摩) rub: (抛弃) throw away; cast away; discard: (抠) dig; scratch (护士的旧称) nurse; hospital nurse (报丧的通知) obituary (notice)
(报告得胜的消息) report a victory; announce a victory (报复) retaliate; get one's own back: (报答) repay a kindness; repay favours granted (报答) repay; requite; reciprocate: (报酬) recompense; reward; remunerate
(抵不上) be no match for; cannot compete with: (抵押借款) borrow money on security (抻成的面条) hand-pulled noodles (抽头) take a percentage [cut] of the winnings in gambling (抽芽) sprout; put forth buds; germinate; be budding
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