

(驱使) order about; drive (驴、马等年龄小) young (驼背的人) hunchback; humpback (骂人话) beast; dirty swine (骂人话) talk nonsense:
(骄傲得意) putting on airs; cocky; overweening: (骄傲的人自称) referring to oneself, showing contempt for the spoken to or used jokingly: (骆驼绒布) camel hair cloth (骑兵部队)a contingent of mounted troops; cavalry (骗人的手段等) trick; game:
(骗人的货色) quack medicine (骗子; 诈骗犯) swindler (骚动; 开始敌对行动) create disturbances; carry on disruptive activities; stir up trouble;insidious move (on the part of the enemy or bad elements) (高兴) happy; delighted; elated; filled with joy: (高大) high; towering
(高尔夫球场) course; links (高级军官) high-ranking officer (高门贵族; 大户人家) rich and influential family (鱼肚白) the whitish colour of a fish's belly -- grey dawn (鲁莽) rash; impetuous:
(鲜美多汁而爽口) fresh and juicy (鸬鹚的通称) cormorant (麻烦事情) complication; unexpected difficulty; knottiness: (麻烦) trouble sb.; bother sb. (黏的东西干后附着在器物上) form into a crust; crust:
(鼓动别人干坏事) instigate; incite; stir up; whip up: (鼓吹者; 吹捧者) eulogist (鼓楼) drum tower (齆鼻儿的人) a person who speaks with a nasal twang (齐心) of one mind; at one:
(齐整) neatly arranged; in neat order: 𠲎 𪥵 𪦋 𪧼
𪨟 𪨩 𪨪 𪩤 𪫅
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