

(尊称别人写的字或画的画)your beautiful handwriting or painting (尊称别人的儿媳) your daughter-in-law (尊称同父辈的年轻男人) uncle (尊称年纪相仿的男子) elder brother (尊称年老男子) grandpa; grandad
(尊称年长的妇人) aunt (尊称年长的妇人) aunt (尊称年长的男人) uncle (尊称年长的男子) uncle (小儿啼哭声音洪亮) sound of child booing
(小动物的脚) paw of a small animal (小土丘) mound; knoll (小孔) a small hole (in an implement, utensil, etc., for sth. to be inserted into); eye: (小孩儿哭) cry; sob: (小孩学话的声音) prattle; babble
(小孩穿的衣裳) dress; children's clothes (小巧灵便) delicate and well-made (小当铺) a small pawnshop (小心) be careful; look out; cautious: (小心, 留神) take care; be careful; look out:
(小时; 钟头) hour: (小白菜) Chinese cabbage; pakchoi (小老婆) concubine (小说名)“The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne (小费) tip
(少先队员) Young Pioneer (少妇) young mistress of the house (少量的钱) small sum of bribe (就人的身分或事物的性质来说) as: (就医) see a doctor; consult a doctor
(就是) just; simply: (尺寸、规模、 面积等的大小) size; dimension; bulk; admeasurement; volume; scale; magnitude: (尽兴) to one's heart's content; to one's great satisfaction: (尽情游览) enjoy a sightseeing tour: (尽最大的力量; 极度地) exerting the utmost strength; for all one is worth; with all one's might; desperately:
(居心; 存心) harbour (evil) intentions; cherish certain intentions: (居心) motive; intention: (屈膝; 向对方屈服) give oneself up to; surrender to: (屎) stool; human excrement; shit; faeces: (屏风和藩篱) screen and fence
(属于一国的海) inland sea (属于同一党派的人) member of the same party (属脑力劳动的) mental: (屠杀人民的人) slaughterer; butcher (山弯曲的地方) mountain recess
(岔路) branch road; byroad; side road (岛名) Kongtong (an island in Shandong Province) (嵌入或陷入) embed under: (工作中的贡献) one's contributions in work (工作质量) workmanship:
(工作) work; have a job (工具轻巧) easy to handle; handy: (工厂开办的) factory-run: (工厂班组的) (work) team leader (左派分子) Leftist
(巨大) large-scale; widespread: (差不多一样) about as ... as: (差不多) pretty close (差不多) pretty close; just about right: (差役) a person on a public errand
(已故的父亲) my late father (已经打定的主意) one's own way; a fix idea (市价) market quotation; prevailing price; market price: (市镇) small town (布包起来的包) a bundle wrapped in cloth:
(布置兵力) dispose (troops, etc.); deploy: (帆) sail (师傅的儿子中年龄比自己大的) the son of one's master (older than oneself) (师傅的儿子中年龄比自己小的) the son of one's master (younger than oneself) (师徒相传的学问、技术) knowledge or technique handed down by one's master
(希望事情成全) try to round sth. off; try to bring sth. to a satisfactory conclusion: (希望) hope: (希望) wish; like; want: (希罕的事物) rare thing; rarity: (帝王) the Emperor
(带兵者) a military officer (带领; 携带) lead; take along; take with one; marshal (带领) lead; guide (帮别人说话) speak in support of sb.; echo sb.; back (sb. up); chime in with sb.; give vocal support: (帮工的人) helper; journeymen; work assistant
(帷子) curtain (常事) common occurrence; routine; all in the day's work; usual practice (帽楦) hat block (干什么) what to do: (干部下放) transfer (cadres) to work at lower levels; transfer (cadres, etc.) to work at the grass-roots level or to do manual labour in the countryside or in a factory
(平安) safe and sound (平常) ordinary; unimportant: (平息) quell; pacify; suppress; put down: (平时) everyday; week day (年幼无知的儿童) ignorant children
(年幼无知) childish ignorance (年成) harvest: (年纪轻、阅历少的人) a young, inexperienced person; fledgling (年纪轻而头发白的人) a young person with greying hair (年纪较大的女佣人) old biddy
(年轻已婚妇女) a young married woman (年轻而缺乏朝气) a young person lacking in vigor and drive (年轻) youth (年高有德的人) venerable elder (幸福) sugar water -- happiness; comfort:
(幸运) fortunately: (广漠而沉寂) vast and lonely: (广阔无边的世界) the boundless universe; the big world; the kaleidoscopic world (庄严) solemn; dignified: (庆贺) celebrate:
(庇护) lend shelter to; give refuge to: (床榻) bed (应当) should: (应景儿) use sth. merely for show (应该做到而并没有做到) ought to have; should have:
(应酬的话) conventional [stereotyped] remark; conventionality (应验) accurate; right: (底细) ins and outs; cause; root: (底部和顶部) the fundamental and the incidental (店主) shopowner
(度过) while away; idle away: (座位) seats in a teahouse or tea garden (庸俗不大方) of wretched appearance (庸俗鄙陋的人) an ignorant fellow; a mean fellow (延长不绝) linger:
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