

(婉言谢绝) graciously decline; politely refuse (婚事喜庆礼物) gift for a wedding, etc. (婚姻介绍人) matchmaker; reference (嫁妆) dowry (嫉妒的情绪) feeling of jealousy
(嫌隙; 争执的事由) the cause of a quarrel; quarrel: (子女) son or daughter; children: (子孙) posterity; descendants (子弹夹) cartridge clip (孕妇) pregnant woman
(存在的地方) where: (学习年限) length of schooling: (学习暂告结束) come to an end of a short-term course (学术团体) learned society; society; institute (学术机关出版的单册著作) monograph
(学校等的) board of trustees (学校里放假) have summer or winter holidays (学生升级) go up (one grade, etc.); promote: (学生) disciple; follower; adherent (宁愿; 宁可) prefer; would rather; had rather:
(守候) wait on; attend to (安排; 布置) put (sth. in order); arrange (安稳) peaceful; undisturbed: (安装在通风口或排气管等处的通风设备) false ogive; ballistic cap; funnel cap; nozzle button (沸腾炉的); wind cowl (烟囱的) (安装时钟的较高的建筑) clock tower
(安身) make one's home; take shelter: (安静;平静) calm; serene; placid: (安静) quiet; still: (完全一致) uniform; identical: (完全的; 十足的) out-and-out:
(完全) exactly: (完善; 完备) regular; integrity; perfect: (完成任务) fulfil one's task; carry out an assignment; finish up one's job (完毕) settled; finished: (完蛋) All is lost.; give up the ghost; lament the cause as lost
(官名) supervisor (官吏) feudal official (官职高、权力大的人) influential figure; important personage; VIP (官职) assistant; deputy: (官职) official post; position
(宛转动人) touching; moving (宝石的)腰围面 break facet (实在是) actually; really: (实在) solid; sound: (实在) solid; sound; down-to-earth:
(实实在在) conscientiously; earnestly: (实现) carry out; fulfill; implement; put into effect: (实际的效验) real results; efficacy (审定了的稿件) final version or text: (审查处理) deliberate and decide
(客人会见) meet one's senior or superior (客商) travelling merchant (客套) don't mention it; you're welcome; not at all (宫室、山水等幽深) secluded (宫门) the front gate of a palace
(害怕) afraid; fearful; feel the blood running cold (家世贫穷) (of a family) poor (家庭成员个人积蓄的; 私房) private savings of a family member: (家庭成员个人积蓄) private savings: (家庭) family:
(家族中的上一代) the elder generation of one's family; one's elders (家族中的下一代) the younger generation of a family (家畜)展览单位 pen; (家道衰落)decline (in wealth and position) (容纳) contain; hold
(容貌俊秀, 又有精神) handsome and spirited; handsome and energetic; smart: (宽敞舒展) spacious and smooth (宽畅) relax: (宽裕) well-to-do; comfortably off (宽阔; 广大) extensive; broad
(宾主互相敬酒) exchange of toasts; drink toasts to each other (寂静无声) quietly; softly: (寂静) quiet; still; silent (寂静) silent (寄居的籍贯) the province into which settlers move
(寄来的信) incoming letter: (富裕) comfortably off; well-off (富裕) plentiful (察看) examine carefully; inspect (对与自己年龄相仿的女人的尊称) elder sister
(对于事情的看法) attitude; approach: (对人尊敬的称呼) a respectful form of address; honorific title (对人尊敬) offer respectfully; present politely (对人谦让) modest: (对人) promise sb. a reward:
(对 ...从轻处理) let sb. off lightly: (对他人的尊称) your gracious presence (对保育员或保姆的称呼) nurse (in a family or kindergarten) (对儿童的称呼, 含亲切意) little boy or girl; child (对发展前途的预测) forecast; prospect:
(对古书章句的解释) syntactic and semantic analysis of ancient writings (对和尚、尼姑等的尊称) a polite form of address to a monk or nun (对和尚的尊称) elder of a Buddhist monastery (对对方的意思误解) misunderstanding; misapprehension: (对小孩的亲昵称呼) little devil
(对小孩的爱称) darling; baby (对小孩的爱称) little dear; darling (对已婚妇女的称呼) elder sister (对手) opponent; adversary (对母辈妇女的称呼) aunt; auntie
(对比参照) (of two different things) compare or refer to (对比) contrast: (对犯罪者进行公开的批评教育) rebuke; reprimand; be reprimanded (对男性的一般尊称) mister (Mr.); gentleman; sir: (对皇帝所封诸王的直接称呼) Your Highness
(对皇帝所封诸王的间接称呼) His Highness (对等者) fellows: (对联) antithetical couplet (对)延迟(所受的) 责任 liability for delay; (寺庙中供奉主要神佛的殿) main hall of a Buddhist temple
(导火线) fuse (封建家长责打家人的用具) a rod for punishing children or servants in a feudal household: (封建时代称在位皇帝) emperor on the throne (封条) paper strip seal (射击致死) shoot to death
(将就) go through the motions; be slipshod in work: (将就) make do: (将就) make do: (将就) no matter in what way; anyhow: (将帅的部下) those under one's command
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