

(失去干劲) slacken one's effort; slack off: (失去本来色彩) be eclipsed; be outshone: (失去权力, 卸去公职) resign; resign one's right [power]; out of power; fall out of power; leave office; extricate oneself from a position: (失去知觉; 感觉迟钝) numb; numbness: (失去群众、没有助手的领导) a person without a following:
(失意; 不高兴) feeling lost (失败或出丑) suffer a setback; come a cropper; make a blunder: (失败或动乱后的局面) a lost situation; the situation after the failure of an undertaking or after social unrest: (失败) suffer a defeat; be defeated: (失败) wipeout
(头上的装束用品) turban (头数) a head (of cattle, hog, mule, etc.): (头绪) main threads; clue: (头脑清楚, 眼光敏锐) have a thorough grasp of the situation; very perceptive (夹在书中的) bookmark:
(夹有词曲的章回小说) novel with parts in verse, common in the Ming Dynasty (夺去生命) kill (夺取) pursue; seek; hunt for: (奇异多变) strange and changeful; treacherous (奇特遭遇) adventure:
(奋发) energetic: (奋起) rise; arise; revolt: (奏乐) play music (奔走效力) do one's utmost in sb.'s service; run errands; serve others (套笔的东西) sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread)
(奠基) lay a foundation (奠定基础) lay a foundation (奥地利货币) schilling (奥妙之处) knack: (女巫) sorceress
(奴仆) servants (with green turbans in old China); lackey (奴才) toady; sycophant: (奶嘴) nipple (of a feeding bottle) (奸诈邪恶的人) a crafty and evil person (奸诈邪恶) crafty and evil; treacherous
(好办法) good plan; sound strategy (好受) feel well: (好吃) savoury; appetizing: (好处) good; benefit: (好得不得了) extremely good
(好忘事) absentminded; forgetful; confused; not to know of [whether] one is standing on one's head or one's heels; make someone dizzy; One's head reels. (好文章、动人的故事) inspiring story: (好极了) really sth.; terrific: (好看) handsome; good-looking: (好端端) in perfectly good condition; when everything is all right:
(如今) nowadays; today; now: (如同) as; like; as good as: (如实描绘) describe sth. as it is (如实说出) confess; make a confession; own up (妃嫔) the concubines of a monarch
(妇女失去贞操) lose one's chastity (妇女的艳丽装束) gay feminine attire (妇女) women (妇女, 尤指古代贵夫人养蚕时穿的衣服) woman who raise silkworms (妥当)fitting; well arranged; well-done; proper
(妩媚) sweet and charming (妻子对丈夫的敬称) a form of address for one's husband (妻子被遗弃) divorce one's spouse, esp. forsake one's wife (妻子) wife (妻子) wife
(妻子, 多见于早期白话) wife (妻) wife (妻) wife (妻) wife (妾) concubine
(始终) continuously; always; all along; all the way; constantly: (始终) from beginning to end (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏)a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname: (姓氏) a surname:
(姨母) aunt;auntie (威力或怒气) thunder-like power or rage; wrath: (威风) awe; prestige; dignity: (娇柔; 纤弱) delicate (娘家送给新娘嫁妆) give a dowry to a daughter; dower
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