

(唇裂) harelip (唱片) gramophone record; disc (唾液) saliva (商店恢复营业) reopen (商店的门面) the facade of a shop; shop front; frontispiece
(商店老板) shop owner (商标) brand; trademark: (商标) trademark (商船)押运员 supercargo (商议) talk over; discuss
(商量) consult: (喜欢晚睡的人) a person who goes to bed late; night owl (喜欢) like; be fond of; delight in: (喝令退出) shout at sb. to go away (喧哗) shout; yell; bawl; make a row; make much noise; make an uproar:
(喧哗, 骚动) din; hubbub: (喧嚷) make a lot of noise: (喷洒农药) spray agricultural chemicals (喻人的品质) character; a person of a certain character: (嗓音) voice:
(嗣子) adopted son (嗳气) belch; burp (嘟噜儿) (连续颤动舌或小舌发音) trill: (嘴唇) lips (器械体操用具) a stick or staff used in gymnastics
(器物上的破口) sharp edge of broken glass, china, etc.: (器皿盛水日久后留下的痕迹) watermark (in water vessels) (囚禁) imprison; keep under detention (四书之一) The Doctrine of Mean (四十岁) eged forty:
(回信) letter in reply; reply (回忆) look back (on the past) (回故乡) go to hometown; return home; home: (回旋余地) room for manoeuvre; a way of escape: (回旋的余地) room for manoeuvre;leeway; a way of escape:
(回赠礼物) present a gift in return (回赠礼物) send a present in return; present a gift in return (回避) evade; dodge: (因不公平而气愤) indignant; resentful; grievance; complaint: (因刀口钝造成的不平) fraze
(因回避而不开口) keep one's mouth shut: (因失意而消沉) downhearted; disheartened (因害怕等而发抖) shudder (因希望落空而不愉快) disappointed: (因愤怒等而脸色变红) flush with anger; get excited; get worked up:
(因某种刺激而引起感情变化、回忆等; 感动; 感触) move sb.; stir up sb.'s feelings; touch one's heart: (因没有把握而难以预期) uncertain: (因疏忽或水平不高而造成差错) slip up: (因票面金额超过存款余额或透支限额而不能生效的支票) kiting check; bounced [dishonoured; dud; rubber] check; accommodation kite; accommodation bill; fictitious paper (因长期不用而不熟练) out of practice; rusty:
(团圆; 团聚) reunion (团弄) knead; malaxate: (团聚的结局) happy ending (困苦) hardship; trouble; difficulty: (困难) difficulty:
(围绕村庄的障碍物) defensive wall; stockade surrounding a village (固定不变的) definite; constant: (固定资产)折旧率 depreciation rate (for fixed assets); rate of depreciation; (固执) stubbornly; inflexibly (固有的格式; 传统的做法; 事先划定的范围) restriction; convention; set pattern:
(国家元首提出的国情报告) report delivered by the head of a government on affairs of state: (国家; 国家政权) country; (national) territory; state power: (国家形式) polis (国家的尊严、体面) national prestige (国家的政治形势) the national situation at a given moment
(国家)预算执行情况 implementation of the (state) budget; (state ) budget has been in operation; budget performance; budget enforcement (state) budget is being carried out; (国家)预算草案 draft (state) budget; (国际象棋中的一个棋子) pawn (国际金融市场的)习惯做法 practices prevailing in the international monetary market; (图书的封面) (of a book) front cover
(图表) hanging chart; wall chart (图谋成名) seek fame; for the sake of prestige: (圆珠笔心) refill (for a ball-point pen) (圆锥形)风标 air sleeve (sock); (圈套) trap; snare:
(土地有利于种植的条件) land productivity (土堤) an earth dyke [embankment] (土豪) the powerful; overlord; backstage ruler (在一起工作的人) mate; colleague; fellow worker: (在乡中流动着兜揽生意) solicit customers through the village
(在于) lie in; rest with (在人面前受窘) feel embarrassed: (在关键地方加上少许字句使文章更贴切, 更生动) add a word or two to clinch the point; a crucial touch which drives home a point otherwise difficult to explain; put in the eye pupil in painting a dragon -- the critical touch; put life into ..., like dotting the eyeball in painting a dragon; put the finishing touches on [to] one's work; round off [out] a picture: (在各个方向) in every direction (在同一个学校学习的人) schoolmate
(在商店门前悬挂标志或记号) (of shops) put up a signboard to advertise goods (在困境中艰苦地进行) labourious; arduous (在大事业、大运动中指示方向的人) guide of a great cause; teacher; director; mentor (在头发上抹油) add oil (在幕后操纵的掌握实权者) overlord; supreme ruler; supersovereign; backstage ruler
(在很短的时间内) in a while; in an instant; in a moment; presently; soon: (在心里) in one's heart (在某一件事中充当不光彩的角色) the inglorious part one plays in a matter (在某方面有权威的人) person with high skills or rich experiences; boss (在某方面条件不利) at a disadvantage; in an unfavourable situation
(在正房一侧或两侧的房间)a small room opening off another; inner room (在男女关系上嫉妒心很强的人) extremely; jealous wife or husband (在纠纷中自行让步) make concessions to avoid trouble; gloss things over to stay on good terms; stop a dispute and live and let live; pour oil on the waters [on the troubled waters]; a policy of compromise to let everybody have peace (在绝境中做徒劳无益的挣扎) clutch at a straw (在背后做坏事) play tricks behind sb.'s back; use underhand means
(在试卷上答题的卷子) answer questions in an examination paper; (examination) paper (在黑板上写的字) words written on the blackboard (地中海)小型大三角帆帆船 mistic; mistico; (地勤人员) ground crew (地区各不相同) from different places or areas
(地区)适应分化 kladogenesis; (地名) Anyang (in Henan Province) (地名) Benniu (a place name in Jiangsu Province) (地名) Shangqiu (a place in Henan Province) (地方政府) local authorities
(地方政府)收支大包干 allowing local governments to retain all the surplus revenue above the state quotas; (地方行政机关所在地) seat (地步) plight; wretched situation: (地积单位) fen (a unit of area, =66.666 square metres) (地老虎) the larva of a noctuid
(地道的) through and through; out-and-out; dyed-in-the-wool: (场地) half-court: (场所; 地方) place; site: (坏习惯) bad habit (坏事物出现) come out into the open; come forth; appear:
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