

(加快机器速度) speed up (加水重煮的饭) cooked rice reheated in boiling water; thick gruel (from recooked rice) (加热提炼油) extract oil by heating (加罪名) pin the label on sb.; stigmatize; falsely accuse sb. of a crime; bear the label of; be branded as; be labelled (务必) be sure to; do:
(动不动) easily; frequently; at every turn: (动手打架) come to blows (动物的臀部) rump; haunch; hindquarters (动荡不安的样子) stirring; unrestful; turbulent (动身) leave; set out; get off:
(助威) bolster sb.'s morale (助手) assistant (助长别人的声势) boost sb.'s arrogance: (劲敌) match; equal: (势利之人) snob
(势利) snobbishness; change in attitude toward persons: (勇敢而有义气的人) gallant man (勇敢而有义气) gallant (勇猛的力量) great vigour: (募化) collect alms
(勾芡用的淀粉) any starch used in cooking (包裹在物品外面的纸等) paper wrapping (匆忙) hurried; hasty: (化装) disguise; masquerade; camouflage: (北部地区) the northern part
(北非)市郊贫民区 bidonville; (匪徒等长期盘踞的地方) bandits' den (医院或诊所里的药房) hospital pharmacy; dispensary (医院的)私人床位 private bed; (十分为难) hard pressed; embarrassed; in a predicament:
(十分可靠) of guaranteed high yield; surefire (十分熟悉) know sth. thoroughly: (十分爱好) be fond of; be keen on: (升到天空) go up to the sky; fly sky-high: (午饭) midday meal; lunch
(协会的刊物) the journal of an association, society, etc. (协会的标志, 徽章) the emblem of an association, society, etc. (协作人) partner; workmate: (卑鄙下贱) mean and low; humble: (单凭力气干) childish enthusiasm; with sheer enthusiasm; be foolhardy:
(单方面) one-sided; unilateral: (单用,表示否定对方的话)不对, 我没有那么说。 No, I didn't say that. (卖出) get off one's hands; dispose of; sell; dishoard: (卖弄) show off; display: (卧车)小包房 roomette;
(印下年月日的戳记)datemark (印刷体) block letter (印度下院) Lok Sabha (印章上的阴文) intagliated characters (on a seal) (危急患难) misfortune; grave danger
(危险) mishap; disaster: (即使) even if; even: (即将到来, 就在眼前) will soon be materialized; be in sight; be in the offing: (厂长的)行政指挥 administrative command (of the factory director); (压粘)云母石 micarex; micalex;
(厌恶) dislike; loathe; be disgusted with: (厚脸皮) a thick-skinned person (原先; 先前) originally; at first: (原因; 来源) reason; cause (原文) the main body of a book
(原由; 来由) the motive behind; cause: (原谅) excuse; pardon; forgive: (厨房中挑水、煮饭的人) mess cook (参与; 干预) have [take] a hand in; poke one's nose into; meddle in: (参与某事) have a hand in:
(参与) participate (in some activity): (参与) take part in; get involved in: (参加宴会) attend a banquet (参加某一集团或派别的人) member of a clique or a reactionary political party (参拜) pay homage to sb. (before his tomb or image)
(参考) refer to; read sth. for reference: (及时) be in time for: (双方) both parties; both sides: (反动而隐晦的话) double talk; malicious words (反复做某事) do sth. over and over again
(反复考虑) think about again and again; turn (sth.) over in one's mind; feverish: (反对) oppose; counter: (反说, 表示讥讽): (反霸权) oppose hegemonism: (发公文) send an official communication to other organizations
(发出的同一个命令) a general [circular] order (发呆) stare blankly; be in a daze; be stupefied (发怒时瞪眼睛) angry stare (发怒) flush with anger; get angry: (发怒) see red; become infuriated
(发扬) carry forward; develop (发挥) make the most of; make full use of; bring into full play: (发现) find; detect; realize; discover: (发生冲突) clash; squabble (发电报来) send a telegram here; inform by telegram
(发电机)motor generator (发网) hairnet (发落; 惩治) punish: (发音不清楚的人) lisper (叔父) father's younger brother; uncle
(取其精华, 去其糟粕) develop what is useful or healthy and discard what is not (取样器) a sharp-pointed metal tube used to extract samples of grains, etc. from sacks (取消) dissolve; disband: (取熔融玻璃用的) pontil (受有封号的贵妇) mandated woman
(受水淹的地区) inundated area: (受润泽; 沉浸在) bathe; immerse: (受责备) get a talking-to; be told off; get a dressing down (受雇用的工人) hired labourer [hand; worker] (变得强大) grow:
(变酸的性质或状态)acescency (叙述自己生平经历的文章) autobiographic note; brief account of oneself (叠用在两个反义词前面, 表示情况的交替) now... now...; one moment... the next...: (叠用) now ... now ...; sometimes ... sometimes ...: (叠用, 表示不以某种情况为条件) whether ... or ...; no matter whether:
(叠用, 表示不以某种情况为条件) whether ... or ...; no matter whether: (口中吐出的苦的液体) gastric secretion, rising to the mouth (口令) Quick time, march! (口头传授) instruct orally; give oral instruction; hand down by oral instruction (口头流传下来的故事) legend; tradition; lore:
(口头通知) notify by word of mouth; tell: (口气) tone; note: (口译译员) interpreter: (口音; 语调) accent; intonation: (口风) tone of one's speech:
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