

(农历12月有30天的年份) a lunar year in which the last month has 30 days (农历十月的气候) balmy weather in the tenth lunar month (农历) the ninth month of the lunar year; the ninth moon (农历) the second month of the lunar year; the second moon (农历) the tenth month of the lunar year; the tenth moon
(农历) the twelfth month of the lunar year; the twelfth moon (农忙时的加餐) extra meal in the daytime during the busy farming season (农村的一级生产组织) production brigade (of a rural people's commune) (冬季贮菜用的枯井) dry well (used to store vegetables in winter) (冰上曲棍球运动) ice hockey
(冰激凌) ice cream (冰球运动使用的球) puck (冲蚀; 冲成) wash (away): (决定于) be determined by; depend on: (决心要; 很想要) set one's mind on:
(冷淡的待遇) cold-shoulder (冷清) deserted; desolate: (冷遇) a cold reception: (凄凉而模糊) desolate and indistinct (凄凉) dreary; miserable:
(准假条) leave permit: (准则) moral standard (准备) get things ready; pack: (准许; 承认) valid; authentic (减河) diversion canal; distributary
(凑合; 将就; 勉强) fair to middling; just passable; not so bad, not so good; just so-so: (几乎就是) amount to; be tantamount to; correspond to; as much as: (几乎) almost; nearly; on the verge of: (凭想像创造) create out of the imagination: (凭空虚造; 捏造) fabricate; make up
(凭藉) by means of; through the medium of: (凭证) receipt (issued by a government agency) (凶恶贪婪的人) a fierce and cruel person (凶暴的恶人) tyrant; despot; fiend (凶杀) murder case; tragic case; tragedy:
(凶神)evil spirit (出乎意料的事) eventuality; contingency: (出乎意料) sudden; abrupt; unexpected: (出劳动力) supply the labour (出口) egress
(出外巡视) tour of inspection (出头露面) the publicity one receives: (出家而未经剃度的佛教徒) untonsured monk (出气) vent one's ill feeling: (出现在梦中) appear in one's dream
(出类拔萃的人) person of outstanding ability; pick; elite: (出色、过硬或有名气) outstanding; up to the mark; famous (出色的技术) excellent performance (出落) grow (prettier, etc.) (出试题) make out questions (for an examination, etc.)
(出面活动) appear personally (出面) lend one's name (to an occasion or enterprise); use the name of: (出面, 带头) appear in public; come forward: (出风头) be in the limelight: (击剑) right of way; priority
(击毙飞鸟等) stop (刁难; 作对) make things difficult for: (分两次考试的第一次) preliminary examination (分出来拨给) assign; allot: (分子)左右摇摆振动 wagging;
(分析扰动的)时间标度 airsecond; (分析问题的能力) analytic ability (分辨; 分析) analyse; examine; dissect: (分量重) severely: (切合实际, 能收到实效) (of method, etc.) be practical and likely to yield results
(切实) earnest and sincere: (切断煤气) cut off the gas (刑罚的名称) name of penalty or punishment (划时代的, 破天荒的, 开创新纪元的) epoch-making (列举过失而指责) scold sb. by enumerating his wrongdoings; reprove:
(列举) list; cite; enumerate: (刚出现) appear; emerge: (刚巧) just in time; in the nick of time; just at the right time: (刚才) a moment ago; just now (刚结婚不久) newly married
(创伤) sores and wounds (创作) write; compose: (创立事业) establish an enterprise; start an enterprise; set up an enterprise; build up one's position (创立) open up; set up; establish; start: (创造条件) create:
(初伏的第一天) the first day of the first period of the hot season (初刻本) a copy of the first edition (删除) delete (利弊) advantages and disadvantages; merits and demerits (别人; 他人) others; other people
(别人的儿子) your son (别号) alias (到人家里做女婿) marry into and live with one's bride's family (到城市生活和工作) enter the big cities (到这个时候或这个地步) have come this far; have developed to this point
(制做、修理铁器的工作) ironwork (制定乐律) compose; write music (制造铜器的工作) work in copper; coppersmithing (制革或鞣皮的) tanner (刻苦钻研,反复琢磨) refine;polish:
(刻蜡纸用的笔) stylus for cutting stencils; stencil pen (剃光的头) shaven head; shaven-headed: (前世) previous existence (前人的事迹) deeds of those now dead (前妻或前夫) one's former wife or former husband
(前面的) the above; the foregoing; the above-mentioned: (前面) the top of the list: (剧本用语) enter (剧院等的) box office (剧院等的) box-office clerk
(割断) cut sth. in half (割草打柴的人) one who gathers grass and firewood (割草打柴) cut grass and firewood (力求避免) avoid as harmful; abstain from: (力量强大) powerful; mighty:
(劝架) mediate; make peace between; bring people together: (劝说、争辩、交涉时说的话) talking round; words; talking: (办事圆滑) win [gain] advantage from [of] both sides; have one's bread buttered on both sides; (as) wanton as a calf with two dams (办事的程序、规则) orderly ways; methodicalness: (办喜事的日子) wedding day
(办理丧事) handle funeral arrangements (功夫深浅) level of attainment: (加在否定词前面, 表示委婉的肯定): (加强) strengthen: (加快工作速度) hurry through one's work; make short work of a job [sth.]; hasten up with one's work; catch up with working schedule
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