

(古书上说的一种猛兽) a mythical wild animal (古代一种官职) an ancient official title (古代印度之称) ancient India: (古代学术上各种派别) the various schools of thinkers; different schools of philosophy in ancient China (古代宫中的女官) a rank of ladies-in-waiting
(古代指婢女) maid (古代指战争) war (古代指春化) vernalize (使加速开花结果) (古代施行宫型的牢房) prison where the punishment of castration was inflicted in ancient times (古代未成年的人把头发扎成髻) a child's hair twisted in knot
(古代皇宫中女官名) title of a female palace official (古代称接引宾客的人) one who ushers guests into the reception room (古代诗歌) ancient poetry (古体诗) a form of pre-Tang poetry (古地名) Changshao (an ancient place in Shandong Province)
(古官名) military staff officer (古时对有一定社会地位男子的尊称) sir (古时称和尚) Buddhist monk (古汉语的字调) the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics (古话) old saying
(另写一信) write another letter (只不过) only; merely; just: (只有茶水,没有点心) tea served without refreshments (只用在“打”“从”“由”后面) now; then: (只说不做) merely chatter idly; mere empty talk; lip service; pay lip service (to)
(只顾) just; merely (叫卖) cry one's wares: (叫喊) ululate (叫嚣; 喧嚷) clamour; hullabaloo; din: (召开会议的地方) the site of a conference or meeting
(可乘的机会) chance; opportunity: (可人意;使人满意) satisfactory; satisfying (可以依靠的人或东西) sth. to fall back on; support; backing: (可以凭藉的资历等) ability (可以用来要挟的过失或错误) evidence that can be got hold of in lawsuits or arguments:
(可指望的来源) assured source: (可欺骗) gullible; easily duped (可能性很小的意外) contingency; eventuality: (可能) probably: (可能) probably; most likely; presumably:
(号角声) bugle call: (吃一顿丰盛的饭菜) have a square meal (吃夜宵儿) have a midnight snack (吃点心; 点补) have a snack, refreshment, etc. to stave off hunger; have a bite (吃素) be a vegetarian
(吃饭时备的各种菜) dishes at a meal (各种产品、商品的等级) grade; class (各种味道) all sorts of flavours (各种困难) all difficulties: (吆喝) bluster; shout blusteringly
(合乎标准的) standard: (合味) (of a dish) be to one's taste (合得来, 多用于否定) get on well; hit it off; be on good terms with sb.: (合用) handy; convenient and easy to use: (合算) be to one's profit; paying; pay:
(合计, 盘算) calculate; deliberate: (同“仓皇” [cāng huáng]) in a flurry; in (a) panic (同一类) of the same class (同一类) of the same kind: (同义词) synonym:
(同住一房) share the same room (同分)异构体 isomer; isomere; (同分)异构酶 isomerase; (同岁) of the same age (同意) agree; consent:
(同样地) uniformly; equally (名义上是) claim to be: (名片) visiting card (名称) designation; description; naming (后代) descendants; posterity:
(后代) offspring (后步) room for manoeuvre; leeway: (后路) room for manoeuvre; a way of escape; preparations made to meet contingencies (向上级报告) report to a higher body; report to the leadership: (向下垂着; 成为一堆) hang down in a bunch
(向下弯曲而翻转) somersault: (向人借贷或请求) ask for a loan or a favo(u)r: (向人炫耀的名义或称号) a vainglorious title; a vain title (向别人要东西) ask for help, etc.: (向前跌倒) fall forward
(向前跳跃的步子) jump; bound: (向四周、远处看) look around; look into the distance: (向对方提出问题时用) we should like to ask; it may be asked; one may ask; May I ask ...?: (向某人的上级或长辈诉说) lodge a complaint against sb. with his superior; complain of one's grievances (君主到朝廷上处理政事) hold court
(吝啬) stingy; miserly (吞吞吐吐) hum and haw: (否则) if not so; otherwise; or else: (否定) reject; turn down: (吩咐) notify; tell:
(含义深广) profound (含)水凝胶纤维 aquagel fibre (听凭) watch helplessly; look on passively: (听到名声) be familiar with sb.'s name; know sb. by repute (听到而相信) believe; believe what one hears:
(听政) (of a monarch or regent) hold court; administer affairs of state (听的活动) hear: (吵嘴) quarrel; squabble (吸取经验) seek for experience; learn from sb. else's experience: (吸毒成瘾的人) an opium addict
(吸烟瘾头很大的人) heavy smoker; chainsmoker (吸鸦片成瘾的人) opium addict (吹嘘) boost; excessively praise; brag about: (呃逆) hiccup (周围) neighbourhood; surrounding area:
(周折; 苦心) trouble; effort: (味道不正) not the right flavour; not quite right; a bit off: (呼叫) communicate by tele-equipment (呼救声) Help! (命意) conception; approach
(和睦; 和气) amiable; affable; friendly; gentle; kind (和睦快乐的样子) happy and harmonious; joyful; cheerful: (和睦的感情) friendship; harmonious relations: (和睦) harmonious; friendly; amiable: (咳嗽) cough
(品质奇特) remarkable (响亮) sonorous; resonant: (哪里) where: (哭不出声) lose one's voice: (唇裂的人) a harelipped person
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