

词汇 (在关键地方加上少许字句使文章更贴切, 更生动) add a word or two to clinch the point; a crucial touch which drives home a point otherwise difficult to explain; put in the eye pupil in painting a dragon -- the critical touch; put life into ..., like dotting the eyeball in painting a dragon; put the finishing touches on [to] one's work; round off [out] a picture:
释义 见:画龙点睛: (在关键地方加上少许字句使文章更贴切, 更生动) add a word or two to clinch the point; a crucial touch which drives home a point otherwise difficult to explain; put in the eye pupil in painting a dragon -- the critical touch; put life into ..., like dotting the eyeball in painting a dragon; put the finishing touches on [to] one's work; round off [out] a picture:




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