

转导因子 transduced element; 转导子 transductant; 转导细胞 transducer cell; 转导者 transducer; 转导颗粒 transducing particles;
转尾环形计数器 转差 转差特性曲线 slip characteristic curve 转差计 slip counter; 转差频率 slip frequency;
转帆 转帆索 brace 转干 转年 转底式加热炉
转底炉 转度虎钳 转座子 转延 转引
转弯 转弯仪 turn indicator 转弯侧滑仪 turn-and-slip-indicator; 转弯倾斜指示器 turn and bank indicator; 转弯半径 turn radius;
转弯抹角 转弯控制 turning control; 转弯示向灯 turn signal lamp; 转弯表 indicator; 转弯车道 turning lane;
转弯飞行 turning flight; 转录 转录作用 transcription 转录后修饰 转录后成熟
转录后控制 转录器 transcriber; Omnitape; 转录因子 transcription factor; transfer factor; 转录图 transcription map; 转录声
转录声系统 re-recording system 转录子 transcripton; 转录控制 transcriptional control; 转录本 transcript; 转录机 re-recorder;
转录物 transcript; 转录程序 transducer; 转录酶 transcriptase; 转忧为喜 转念
转态过程 转怒为欢 转性 转悠 转悲为喜
转慢指数 转战 转战南北 转手 转手中间人 switch dealer
转手交易 switch operation; 转手倒卖 转手成空 转手掮客 switch dealer; 转手货物 switch cargo;
转手贸易 switch trade; 转手贸易佣金 switching commission; 转手销售 switch selling; 转托 转抄装置
转投资 转折 转折区 break over region 转折点 kickpoint; turning point; breaking point; hinge; 转折点桩 (路线上) intersectionpoint mark;
转折电压 break over voltage; 转折电流 breakover current; 转折词 adversative; 转报电码 转押
转拨 转振光带 (兴起或旺盛的样子) vigorously; prosperously (in a vigorous and flourishing state) (兴起) rise; spring up: (兵书) a book on the art of war
(兵器) weapons; arms: (具有一定的形状) be in the proper form: (具有重大历史意义和作用的地方) sacred place; sacred land; shrine: (养护) maintain: (养育子女) bear or bring up a child
(兼作) function: (内勤人员) office staff (内容不充实) insubstantial; flimsy; thin: (内容广而深) broad and profound (内心痛苦) suffering:
(内阁大学士的别称) a form of address for a Grand Secretary in the Ming and Qing dynasties (再次出现) recur; repeat: (再次扮演) re-enact (写作技巧; 修辞) art of writing (写作技巧和能力) ability to write; writing skill:
(写作的一种手法)narration of earlier episodes; flashback (写作的成品) book; author's work [writings]: (写作) write: (写信) write a letter (写出; 列出) draw up:
(写在字画前后的文字) short comments, annotations, etc. on a scroll (of painting or calligraphy) (写意见和指示) make comments and instructions; write an official comment (写文章时不直书其事的笔法) deliberate digression in writing (写文章) write an essay (写标签) write the title of a book on a label to be stuck on the cover
(写着字的小纸片) card; note (军事力量) military force; armed might; armed strength; force of arms: (军事秘密) military secret: (军事要地) strategic gateway (to an important centre or a major city) (军服上的)金属饰带 aiguilethe; aiguillette;
(军队溃散) be routed; flee; put to rout: (军队长期居住的地方) barracks (军队) divide into squads (农作物收成平常的年头儿) average year (in crop yield) (农具)悬挂装置 suspension linkage
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