

(联系) link up with; establish contact with; get in touch with: (联结) join together; put together (聚齐; 集合) assemble; meet each other (聪明机智) intelligence; cleverness: (聪明;聪明的人)wise; intelligent
(肃清) purify: (肃立表示悼念) mourn in silence; observe silence: (肘) elbow (背叛) sell out; betray; barter away: (背地里哭泣) weep behind others' backs
(背地里干坏事) play a deep game; play the deuce [devil] with (sb., sth.): (背地里) in secret; on the sly; stealthily; surreptitiously: (胡乱用钱) spend (money) extravagantly (胡乱用钱) spend (money) freely (胡言乱语) crazy talk; ravings:
(胡言乱语) daydream; nonsense (胡闹; 胡作非为) run wild; make trouble (胡须和眉毛) beard and eyebrows (胶粘剂)适用期 pot-life; (胸部; 胸前) bosom:
(能写文章的人) a facile writer; a literary spokesman; an effective writer: (能力差的人) an incompetent person (能力; 效能) ability; power; force; strength; leverage: (能干的人) a good hand; able man: (能引起兴趣) interesting; exciting; wonderful:
(能行; 可以) will do; workable; feasible: (能达到某种目的的途径) social connections; contacts (能预先料到将来的见识) foresight; prevision; second sight: (脂粉) rouge and powder (脏物暂时放在某处) plant
(脑筋) brains; mind; head; mental power; intelligence: (脑筋)thinking; thoughts: (脑)枕叶缺失 inoccipitia (脚指) toe (脱离; 摆脱) break away from; free [extricate] oneself from
(脸上有光彩) honoured: (脸上的器官) facial features (脸上的皱纹) wrinkle (on the face) (脾气) anger; temper: (腐烂) stink
(腭) palate (腹地) the interior of a country (自以为了不起) think highly of oneself; be conceited: (自动铅笔心) lead (自学) study on one's own; teach oneself; study independently:
(自己声称) declare oneself to be; claim to be; profess: (自己衡量) reach a conclusion after weighing a matter: (自己隶属的) what one belongs to or is affiliated with: (自杀) commit suicide (自杀) suicide:
(自治区、自治州政府所在地) the capital of an autonomous region or prefecture: (自然保护区) preserve; reserve; natural park: (自然科学中的一组符号) formula (自行车等车座) saddle (自豪) be proud; take pride in:
(致使) make; cause; render: (致泻的药物) purgative; cathartic (舒适) comfortable; cosy (舞厅领班) captain (of taxi dancers) (舞台上用的彩灯) coloured lanterns; festoon lighting
(舞弊的途径) backdoor influence; back doors; backdoorism: (舞蹈动作设计者) choreographer (航空母舰)移动式应急吊车 karry-crane; (船工中的领头人) the chief crewman of a wooden boat; boatheader; senior boatman (船工) boatman; bowsman
(船舶的中部) amidships; amidship (船队) merchant fleet (艰难的途径) difficult path (色情的) (of novels, films, etc.) sexy (艺术风格朴实雄厚) simple and vigorous:
(节俭; 俭省) economical; frugal (节奏均匀) (of the rhythm of a melody) regular; balanced (节日, 腊月二十三或二十四日) a festival that falls on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth month of the lunar year (芋的通称) taro; dasheen (芫青甘蓝) rutabaga
(花招) cheap trick; game: (花招) trickery: (花招)tricks meant to deceive; gimmick: (花搭着; 多样变换的) diversified (花样多) full of flourishes; flowery
(花样) item; variety: (花纹) figure (花草的芳香) fragrant (花草) flowers and plants (芳香) fragrance
(苍茫) vast and hazy: (英国下院) the House of Commons (英国贵族的名誉头衔) Lord (英国)保守党 the Conservative Party; (英语作为外国语的考试) TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
(茂密) lush; luxuriant (茶馆) a place where tea and soft drinks are served; tea garden (草原)超载放牧 (grasslands) overgrazed; (草木枝叶柔嫩; 轻柔) tender; pliable (草木茂盛) lush
(草木青翠茂盛) verdant; luxuriant and green (草茂盛) luxuriant (荒唐可笑) ridiculous; absurd: (荒废) (of study, professional work) neglect; be out of practice (荒疏) forget through lack of practice; get rusty:
(荒谬的文章) preposterous piece of writing; queer writing (荒野) uncultivated land; wilderness (荣耀) glorious; honourable: (药丸) pill; bolus (药的味道或气味) flavour of a drug
(荷包等的) netsuke (菱形)网纹(钢)板 checker plate; (萌芽的; 未发展的) rudimentary (萧条) dull; slack: (落到) befall; happen to:
(著作) literary works; writings: (著名专家) a person of academic or artistic distinction; famous expert; master: (蓄水的坑) pond (蓄积并保持) conserve: (蓖麻的种子) castor bean
(蓖麻) castor-oil plant (薄弱; 不充实) weak and incompetent (薄稀饭) thin rice or millet gruel; rice water (藏在心里轻易不对人说的) confidential: (藏得好) hide safely
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