

(连绵不断) peak upon peak (连贯; 贯穿) be connected in meaning or feeling (迟延拖拉)procrastinate: (迟延) delay: (迫使一点一点讲出来) be forced to tell the truth bit by bit; confess quite reluctantly
(迷信传说中阎王手下管生死簿的官) (in superstitious legend) the official in charge of the life-and-death register under the King of Hell (迷离恍惚) confused; perplexed; dazed: (迷迷糊糊; 不清楚) confused (退出会场) walk out; leave a meeting: (送死) die unworthy for:
(适合) suit: (适宜和饭一起吃) go well with rice: (适当的程度) propriety: (逃到国外) flee the country: (透彻地认识) see through; be resigned to what is inevitable; know clearly:
(透露风声) divulge a secret; leak: (逐个) one by one; separately: (逗笑取乐) make a joke about; poke fun at: (通过) as a result of; after; through: (造纸厂) paper mill (亦称“槽房”、“槽厂”或“纸坊”)
(造诣; 成就) achievements; attainments: (造酒的发酵过程) ferment (遇事能明辨, 不迷惑) without doubt; with full self-confidence (遇到障碍) get stuck; be held up; have a temporary stoppage (道僧修行的功夫) state reached in practising Buddhism or Taoism
(道情, 用渔鼓伴奏) chanting of folk tales to the accompaniment of such an instrument (道教所奉的北方的神) (of Taoism) God of the Northern Sky (道歉) apologize; humbly apologize (道理; 内容) reason: (道理, 多用于否定式) reason:
(道路没有曲折) direct route; regular route: (遗像) a portrait of the deceased; portrait of a dead person (遥远) long; distant; far away: (遭受不幸) hit [strike; go through] a bad patch: (遮蔽) be shaded or hidden by foliage
(遮蔽) be shaded or hidden by foliage (避忌; 顾忌) avoid as taboo: (那东西; 那事情) that: (那时候) that time; then: (那里) that place; there
(邪恶的; 恶毒的) sinister; vicious; wicked; malicious; treacherous; evil: (邮票或银元上标明的价目) catalog; catalogue (郁李) Chinese bush cherry (郁李) Chinese bush cherry (部分) part; respect:
(部的所属单位) affiliated to ministry: (鄙俗) vulgar (酋长国首领) emir; sheik(h) (配合得宜) (of two different things) combine harmoniously; match well: (配方) directions for mixing chemicals; formula
(配给) allocation: (酒后脸上泛红或脸上呈现的喜色) cheerful looking; the redness or happy expression on one's face (酒席) feast; banquet (酒窝儿) dimple (酒量大) great capacity for liquor [drinking]
(酸痛) ache slightly: (酸痛) pain; tingle; ache: (醒悟) come to understand; become aware of; become politically awakened: (采摘) pick; pluck (采集) gather; take selections (from a book, article, etc.)
(重击致死) smite (sb.) dead (重大变化) emergency; exigency: (重干本行) return to the profession one was trained for (重新修读) retake a course after failing to pass examination (重新播种) over sowing
(重要条件) important condition (重要的古书) classical works; classics: (重量单位: 克) gram(me) (g.) (野生的、非人类畜养的猫) wildcat (量词):
(量词, 指人): (金属、玉石等撞击的声音) clanking of jade or metal (金属撞击的声音) chank; clang (针刺的孔) pinprick; needle hole; pinholing (针织品)饰边工 festooner;
(钟、表上的短针) hour hand (钟鼓声大而和谐) resounding sound of music (钻研某一门学问) specialize in; read: (铁制烤肉用具) gridiron (铁花格) grille
(铁道的)信号桥 signal bridge; (银根) money market; money supply: (银行利用)延期支付账户 make use of a credit account (through the bank of ...); (铺张) maintain a large staff or organization (销售货物的去处) outlet:
(锋利) extremely sharp; razorsharp: (锐敏的眼力) mental discernment; insight; acumen; discerning eyes (错误) error; miscalculation: (错误) fault: (锻炼思想的环境)crucible; furnace:
(长女) eldest daughter (长女) eldest daughter (长女) eldest daughter (长工) farm labourer (长时间) a long time; quite a while:
(长江下游地区) the lower reaches of the Yangtze River (长而复杂的故事) a long intricate story: (长辈妇女和晚辈男女的合称) elder women and their children (长辈) senior; elder (长黄癣的人) a person affected with favus on the head
(长黄癣的头) affected with favus on the head (门客) a hanger-on of an aristocrat (门牙) front tooth: (门第) family status (闪动) flash:
(问候) hail; greet; say hello to: (问) ask about; enquire: (闲谈瞎扯) (of at least two persons) talk of anything that occurs to them; switching to another topic as one chooses; drag in irrelevant matters (闲谈) chat; chitchat: (闲谈) chat; small talk
(闲谈) chat; talk: (闲适自得) leisurely and carefree (阅兵场上用来标志界线的士兵; 群众集会中用来标志某种界线的人) parade guards (阔绰之举) munificent act (防备战争) be prepared against war
(阴凉的地方) cool place; shade: (阴历) a lunar month of 30 days (阴历) the fourth month of the lunar year; the fourth moon (阴暗的样子) dim; faint; be eclipsed (阴沉而冷酷) sombre; glum
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