

(虚妄的话) wild talk; rant (虚妄的话) wild talk; rant: (虫胶清漆) shellac (虽然) though; even though; in spite of; despite; notwithstanding: (蚊帐) mosquito net
(蛇、树等盘曲) lying and winding (蛮不讲理) domineering; overbearing; high-handed; violent in action: (蛴螬) grub (螺壳) conch: (蟾蜍) toad
(蟾蜍) toad (蠕动的样子) wriggling (血性) courage and uprightness: (血液)循环障碍 dyshaemia; dyshemia; dysemia; (行不通) get (oneself) into a dead end; get into a blind alley
(行为不捡点) unconventional: (行为) behaviour; conduct: (行动缓慢) dawdle; move slowly: (行得通的办法) workable method (行贿) offer bribes
(行踪) whereabouts: (衙役值班的地方) employee's quarters in office of high officials (衙门中当差的人) runner [bailiff] in a feudal yamen (衣服的后背) the back of a garment: (衣服的长度) length
(补丁很多的衣服) ragged clothing (补充力量) reserve force: (补充遗漏) make good omissions (补足) make up a deficiency: (表情不自然) strained; stiffened; sullen:
(表情) facial expression; face; expression; visage; countenance; puss: (表明态度、 观点) declare one's position; state one's views (表示“原因就在这里”) the reason why: (表示一个动作跟另一个动作同时进行) at the same time; simultaneously: (表示一个动作跟另一个动作同时进行) while; as; at the same time; simultaneously:
(表示不同意对方刚说的话): (表示不同意) no go; nothing doing: (表示不定的数量) so much; as much as: (表示不肯定的事物): (表示不能做或做不完) too ... to:
(表示不计算在内, 相当于“除了”) unless: (表示两夜的时间) two nights (表示两种动作同时发生) and; while: (表示产品性能的名字或数字) the name of a product: (表示估计) perhaps; I think; probably:
(表示列举不尽): (表示发现真实情况) so; turn out to be: (表示另提一件事) as for; as to; concerning; with regard to: (表示同意或好商量): (表示在什么之外, 还有别的) besides; in addition to:
(表示实在的情由或适宜的举动): (表示希望) had better: (表示恭敬) let the hands hang by the sides (a gesture of respectful attention) (表示惊讶或不满): (表示意外):
(表示抱歉或悲伤) ochone (表示推进一层) what's more; besides: (表示揣度或反问): (表示更进一层)besides; moreover; furthermore: (表示有很大的可能性) very probably; quite likely:
(表示条件) no ... without ...: (表示歉意和感激) sorry: (表示正确的符号) check mark (√); tick (表示渴望、热情或欢乐) whoop (表示疑问或请求) wonder if:
(表示程度很深) awfully; extremely; deeply: (表示程度很深) very; extremely; exceedingly; terrible: (表示程度深) utterly; extremely: (表示约略的情况) approximately; about; around: (表示结果) to such an extent as to ...; so ... that ...:
(表示责备语气): (表示责难): (表示选择关系的连词) or; either ... or ...: (表示选择) or: (表露) reveal; show; disclose:
(表面上似乎不妨碍) it looks all right, but: (表面) exterior; outside: (表面) general appearance; surface: (表面) surface (衬托主题而安排的一些次要情节) subplot; interlude; episode
(衰落) decline; be on the wane (衰落) decline; decay (衰败) decayed: (衷心信服) feel deeply convinced: (袖子的长短) length of sleeve
(被丢弃的婴儿) foundling (被俘的敌人) captive; captured personnel; prisoner of war (P.O.W.): (被做了手术) have an operation; be operated on (被围城市) besieged city (被害) be murdered
(被打败) suffer a crushing defeat (被授予世袭官职的民族首领) such a headman; chieftain (被消灭) be overwhelmed; be annihilated; be wiped out; be routed: (被祝寿的人) an elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated (被解雇) get the sack; get fired:
(被迫交出武器) surrender one's weapons; lay down one's arms (袭用) take over; follow (old practice) (装假) playact; pretend; act: (装假) put on a show; playact (装饰品) ornaments; decorations:
(装饰用)狭长台布 table runner; (装马饲料的)纤维袋 morral; (褥子的布罩) mattress cover (西医) Western medicine (西式点心) Western-style pastry
(西方的) west: (西餐) Western meal; meal in Western style (要求上进) eager to improve oneself; try hard to make progress: (要求别人做事) May I trouble you?; have the goodness to do sth.: (要求参加战斗) ask to take part in battle:
(要求真本领的工作) demanding solid, painstaking work or real skill: (见闻; 知识) experience; knowledge; sensibleness: (观光; 游览) tour; sight-seeing (规模) the structure of an organization; setup: (规章制度) restrictions and fetters
(规规矩矩) well-behaved; good: (解不开) indissoluble: (解决办法) solution; settlement (解放军战士) PLA man (解放出来) free oneself; stand up; throw off the oppressor; be liberated:
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