

(贬低并排斥) denounce (购物) go shopping (贵族的子孙) offspring of the nobility (费力) work hard; toil: (费心料理) take care; look after:
(费心考虑或料理) rack one's brains: (费用) expense; expenditures; an account of expenses: (资本主义国家政府与非政府方面) the government and the public: (赏玩) delight in (赛艇比赛) rowing
(走廊) corridor (走漏风声)leak out (走私漏税) smuggling and tax evasion (走路时腿脚发软或被绊了一下) limplegged; be tumbled (走路) walk:
(赶上吃饭) be in time for a meal; be able to get meal: (赶不上吃饭) miss a meal: (赶牲畜) loudly urge on an animal: (起床) get up; get out of bed: (起源; 发生) originate; stem from:
(超出同类的可作为榜样的人) the best of its kind; the pick of the bunch; the cream of the crop; the pick; ace: (超出; 脱离) be detached; stand [hold; keep] aloof; transcend worldliness: (超脱人世) renounce the world; stand aloof from worldly affairs (超过一点) a little over; a little more than: (趋势) look like; seem:
(趋向于) tend to; result in; end in: (足、棒、垒球场) field (跌交) fall; tumble (over): (跑得特别快的人) fleet-footed runner; fast walker [runner]: (距离某件事情时间不远) soon after; shortly after; not long after:
(距离远) far off; remote; distant: (跟‘就是’连用, 表示不这样就那样) either ... or ... (跟事理完全相合) true and pertinent: (跟老朋友一样) like old friends: (跟自己关系比较近的人) a person with whom one has an intimate [a direct personal] relation
(跳水) trial dive (踏实) sincere and honest; guileless; down-to-earth: (躁郁)循环性精神 cyclophrenia; (躁郁)循环性精神者 cyclothymiac; (身体无力) weak:
(身体瘦弱) frail (of physique); delicate (in health): (身体) body: (身孕) pregnancy (身强力壮时) the prime of life: (身着便衣执行任务的军人和侦探) plainclothesman
(躲起来) hide: (车、船、飞机误点)be behind schedule (转动) turn; move from side to side: (转向) yield to; give way to; change into: (转调) tonal modification
(转赠) make a present of sth. given to one (轮船上主要管机器的人) chief engineer (of a ship) (也作“大阵”) (软弱无力) feeble; weak: (轻佻) frivolous (轻微) unimportant; trivial
(轻松爽快) easy; light; relieved; relaxed; feeling good and fit: (轻松爽快) feel relieved: (轻率地做) slobber (轻率地指点、批评) make indiscreet remarks or criticisms; order people about; point right and left; gesticulate profusely; carp and cavil; find [pick] fault with ...; criticize this and condemn that; issue orders right and left (轻视) despise; scorn:
(轻轻地拍) beat; pat: (载重量很大的轮船) a large ship: (较大可能性) very likely; most probably: (较大的主要经脉发生病变, 则刺其经腧穴) the needling of points on a large channel exhibiting symptoms (较大的经脉) large channels
(较量) deal with; contend with: (较长的时间) a long duration of time (辅助部队; 援军) auxiliary force (辈分相同的世交) man who is a friend of the family or clan (辈分较低的世交) son of one's friend or teacher
(辈分高低) degree of seniority: (辑录并分析各种曲调格式的书) a collection of tunes of qu (辛勤抚养) take great pains to bring up (a child): (辜负) let sb. down; be unworthy of; do a disservice to; be unfair to: (辞谢赠品) decline (a gift) with thanks
(辨别力) judgment; discrimination: (辨别正确发展方向的依据) a guide (to action) (辩解的理由) excuse: (边境) national borders (达到目的的捷径) shortcut to success; the golden key to success; the royal road; a shortcut
(迁就; 将就) make do with; put up with (迂腐之人) pedant: (迂腐) pedantic (过于鲜艳繁杂) gaudy; garish; be tricked out [up; off] in gaudy dress (过分修饰) write in an ornate style; polish; embelish:
(过分吝啬) miserly; mean (过分约束自己) constrained; awkward; ill at ease: (过半) over half (过去各任) successive: (过去的条例或事例) old regulations; former practice
(过去的某一天) one day: (过去的经验、荣誉等) past experience, glory, merit, etc.: (过年景象) holiday atmosphere of the Spring Festival (过年期间放的假) New Year holidays (过得去) just about right [enough]; not far off; not bad:
(过意不去) feel sorry: (过意得去, 多用于反问) feel at ease: (过程; 经历) process; course: (过继) adopt sb. as one's son; be adopted (迎合) cater to:
(迎着风) against the wind: (运动员进运动场) enter the playing ground; enter the arena: (运动员) good athlete; skilled athlete: (运气不好) have bad luck; be out of luck; be down on one's luck; hard cheese; rough luck: (还击) hit back; return a blow
(还是) had better; would rather; it would be better to: (这东西) this: (这种人所从事的行业) trade of such people (这种植物的根) beetroot (这种碑上的文字)inscriptions on a tombstone [gravestone]
(这里) here (进口的煤油或汽油) imported oil: (远大的谋略) great talent; bold strategy [vision]: (远见之人) farsighted person (违反个人戒规) break one's vow of abstinence
(违禁物) sinister stuff; trash (连宿两夜) stay over for two consecutive nights (连着; 紧跟着) follow; carry on; go on (with); proceed: (连累)implicate; involve (in trouble): (连续不间断) incessantly:
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