

(阴谋陷害) plot a frame-up against; plot against sb. (阵容或力量壮大) imposing; awe-inspiring; formidable (阵营) camp (阶段) phase; stage; conclusion of a part: (阻抑, 损伤) dampen; deflate; blunt; discourage:
(附属国、殖民地最高当局所在地) the capital of a dependency or colony (附带的文娱活动) entertainment after a meeting or a dinner party (附着在器物上的干了的粥、糨糊等) crust: (附近一带) neighbourhood; vicinity: (附近的地方) vicinity; proximity; close to; in the vicinity of:
(附近街巷) neighbourhood (陈酒) old wine; mellow wine (限制自己) confine oneself; isolate oneself: (限制) barriers; restriction: (陡弯) zig zag:
(除去耻辱、污点等) wash off; clear oneself of: (陪衬物) foil; setoff (陪衬; 衬托) foreshadowing: (陶坯) unfired pottery (陷害) stab in the back
(随便; 轻易) aimlessly; thoughtlessly: (随意涂抹; 潦草写字) scrawl (随手记事的折子) memo presented to a superior (随手) conveniently; without extra trouble: (随时; 不是预定的时间) at any time; occasionally
(随波逐流过日子) drift along or through (随身携带) take sth. along with one: (随身; 身上) (have sth.) on one; with one: (随身) (have sth.) on one; with one: (随随便便) lightly; rashly:
(随风摆动) wave in the wind: (隐士) recluse; hermit (隐藏在内心的思想感情) thoughts on things remote (隐藏; 隐瞒) hold sth. back for one's own use; keep sth. in reserve (障碍) barrier:
(难为人) make things difficult for sb. (难为情) embarrassed: (难受) feel sorry; feel bad; be grieved: (难堪)be in a fix; in an embarrassing situation; on the spot: (难怪) no wonder
(雄伟开阔) wide and magnificent (雄健有力的风格) vigour of style (集中力量突击) join a battle; launch a mass campaign: (集中注意力) concentrate one's attention; take a grip on oneself; collect one's thoughts: (集体伙食标准中最低的一级) ordinary mess:
(集体或生活范围) circle; community; coterie: (集装箱)外地空回 overland transit empty (OT); (雕刻人物的脸部) (of crafts) carve the face of a figure (零散地卖) sell by the piece or in small quantities (零散的事情; 没大用的东西) odds and ends; hotch-potch; miscellaneous trifles:
(零碎的事物) odds and ends; oddments; bits and pieces: (零碎的论说文章) [书] fragmentary argumentation (零花钱) pocket money (零零散散的样子) dripping: (震天响) sky-rending:
(露出苗头) begin to crop up: (青年妇女) young woman (青年男女) young man and woman (in love) (青年男子) young man; lad (青年读书人自称) your pupil
(非宗教的) secular; worldly: (非常失望) utterly disappointing (非常有钱的人) a very wealthy man: (非常狡猾的人) crafty scoundrel (非常短的时间) a very short time:
(非常讨厌) be disgusted (at) (非常高大) exceedingly high (非常) extremely; tremendously; very; deeply (非正式讨论; 仔细考虑) have a preliminary informal discussion; deliberate on: (靠山) backing; support:
(靠拢) draw near; approach: (靠近灶的一头) the warmer end of a kang (面临危险) facing death or deadly peril; in the hour of danger (面具) mask (面子) face
(面容和蔼) look kind in face (面对面) face to face: (面部神色) facial expression: (鞋帮) upper of a shoe (音乐) music
(韵书) rhyming dictionary (顶珠) decorative pearl on top of an official cap (in the Qing Dynasty) (顺便) do sth.as a natural sequence or simultaneously: (顽固不化) stubborn; inveterate (预测) call
(领土) territory (领域) realm; domain: (领子两头相合处) the place where the two ends of a collar meet (领江人员) river pilot (颏) chin
(颓唐的样子) dejected; dispirited (题写) inscribe (题目的名称) title; subject; topic (颜色多) multicoloured; colourful: (颤动) shake
(风味;风趣) special flavour; charm and wit (风声) whistle; sough: (风干的烟草) air-cured tobacco (飞机)疏散场[点] dispersal bay; dispersal point; (食品小卖部) buffet; snack counter
(食物脆) crisp: (食物)纤维素 dietary fibre; (食言) go back on one's word: (餐馆的) waitress (饭量大) big eater
(饯行) give a send-off party; hold a farewell party (饲养) raise: (饼子) baked corn; millet cakes (馒头或其他面食)(steamed) bun; cake: (首领) leader; chief; boss; leading light:
(香气很浓) (of fragrance) heavy; strong (香气浓厚) strongly fragrant (香气) fragrance: (马虎; 敷衍) slovenly; muddle with [through]; perfunctorily; carelessly: (马路边的人行道) pavement; sidewalk:
(马驴等对生人不驯服) be ungovernable by strangers (马鸣声) neigh; whinny: (马)跛行步态 dropping (驯服; 顺从) obedient; submissive (驱使) order about:
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