

(离职前把所管的事、物交给接手的人) deliver into sb.'s custody; hand over one's job to a successor: (离题) diverge to (another topic); change (the subject of conversation): (私下说的话) confidence (私下里商量) give secret counsel; goad secretly (私自动用) misappropriate; embezzle:
(秋季气候) autumn weather (种子发芽出土) break through the soil (租用物品的人) hirer (秦以前的字体) Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.) (积累下的亏欠) outstanding debts; arrears:
(积累的)最低线 minimum rate of accumulation; (积累的)最高线 ceiling for accumulation; maximum rate of accumulation; (称别人的母亲或称自己的母亲或婆婆) your (my, his, etc.) mother; my mother-in-law (称别人的父亲或称自己的父亲或公公) your (my, his, etc.) father; my father-in-law (称同学中年长才高者) way of address for one's older classmates
(称呼与父亲辈分相同而年轻的男人) uncle: (称呼年纪比自己小的男子)a familiar form of address for a man younger than oneself: (称对方的家) your home; your family (称对方的老家) your native place (称年老的妇女) old lady
(称年老的男子) elderly gentleman (称心合意) be to one's liking; suit one: (称心如意 ) fortunate; lucky; felicity: (称心如意) happy; felicity: (称心满意) be reconciled to; resign oneself to; be content with:
(称成年男子) a form of address for a young man (称老年妇女) (a respectful form of address for an old woman) grandma; granny (称霸的人或集团) hegemon; overlord: (称青年女子) young woman (稀疏) scattered; sporadic:
(稀稀落落) (of trees, leaves, etc.) sparse but graceful; thinly scattered (程度上相差有限) about the same; similar: (程度不深) not very; not too; not quite: (程度极高) strong (in taste, strength, etc.): (程度深) deep:
(程度的深浅; 事情的主次) degree of seriousness;relative importance: (程度达到极点) confoundedly; extremely; awfully; terribly: (程度) extent; degree: (稍微弯腰表示礼貌) bow: (稳妥可靠) dependable; reliable:
(稳定安静) (of social order) stable (穴位) Burong (S 19) (穴位) Laozhen (Extra 26) (究竟) after all; in the end (究竟) ever; indeed:
(空中进犯之敌) an intruding enemy airman; air marauder (空军) transfer; deployment (空泛) superficial; unpractical; too abstract: (空洞死板的文章) stereotyped writing (空洞的头衔或荣誉) an empty title or honour
(空闲时间) free time; leisure: (空间上的) gap: (穿戴的盔甲) a suit of armour (穿短装) be dressed in (a Chinese-style) jacket and trousers (穿透) put through
(突出个人) push oneself to the front; push oneself forward; feel one is superior to others (突出) stand out; outstanding; be conspicuous: (突然中止) bring to a halt (突然发生) break out; begin suddenly; erupt: (突然醒悟) suddenly feel refreshed
(立刻) at once; immediately: (立场) standpoint; stand: (立秋后第一个庚日起到第二个庚日前一天) the first day of the last period of the hot season (站稳) stand firmly on one's feet; keep one's feet: (竞技体操项目之一) horizontal bar gymnastics
(章回小说或说书在最紧要、热闹时突然停顿的地方) a sudden break in a story (to create suspense) (童工的劳动) child labour (端庄安详) dignified and serene: (笑声) a description of the sound of laughter (笑时露出牙齿的样子) smiling broadly:
(笑脸) smiling face (笑话) laugh at (me or us): (笑貌) smilingly: (笔力雄健) vigorous; forceful (笔势; 文章的锋芒) vigour of style in writing; forcefulness of writing; sharpness of style; stroke; touch:
(笔记) sketches and notes (符合某人思想感情) be to sb.'s taste [liking] (符合某人思想感情) seem all right: (笨重) unwieldy; heavy; bulky; cumbersome: (第一天) the first day
(第一次犯罪) first offense; first crime; commit an offence for the first time (第一胎生下的孩子) the firstborn child (第一) in the first place; first of all; above all; [拉] primo: (第五更) the fifth watch of the night; just before dawn: (等候到) wait until; wait till:
(等级; 地位) position; grade; rank (答复的话) a verbal message in reply; reply: (筹划; 筹办) plan and prepare (简单容易) easy; simple: (简单扼要) briefly; in broad outline
(简单易理解) (of a piece of writing) easy; plain (算得上) be considered: (算术) arithmetic (算计) reckon up (管状用具) probe; sound; a thin tube (used to extract samples of food, grains, etc.)
(管理家务) housekeep (管理家庭或集体财产、事物的人) manager; housekeeper: (管理银钱物出入的处所) accountant's office (管钱物出入的人) accountant (箭、矛、鱼钩等尖端的小钩) barb
(簸或盛粮食用) winnowing fan; fan (簸箕形指纹) loop (of a fingerprint) (米粉条) rice-flour noodles (类似灯笼裤的)运动裤 knickers; fours; (粗俗刺耳) offensive; coarse:
(粗大) fat; plump; corpulent: (粗心大意的人) a careless person; scatterbrain (粗心大意; 草率) careless; rash; rough and careless; ill-considered: (粗而浓) thick and heavy: (粗豪; 豪放) straightforward and uninhibited; bold and unconstrained; rugged:
(粗野鄙陋) superficial; shallow (粮食作物) food crops; corns (精妙) superb; marvellous: (精明强干) keen-witted and capable: (精神上的打击) unpleasant surprise; shock
(精神不振) out of sorts; in low spirits (精神; 情绪) vigour; spirit; drive; zeal: (精神饱满) spirited; vigorous (精练犀利) pithy and poignant (精美) exquisite; fine:
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