

(疼痛难忍的样子) contort one's face in agony; grimace in pain (疼痛难忍) heartrending; agonizing; gnawing: (疾病)减退期 myosis; miosis (病人在医院从一科转到另一科) go to a different medical division; transfer from one department to another (病人就医) see a doctor; consult a doctor; go to a doctor; receive medical advice:
(病危) be critically ill; near death; be terminally ill (痊愈) be cured; be healed: (痛处) sore: (痛快) with alacrity; readily: (登山营地) base camp; nerve centre:
(白墙) whitewashed wall (白天的一半) half of the day: (白天) day (白杨类树木) a kind of white poplar (白杨类树木) a kind of white poplar
(百家姓) all existing family names (皇帝的妃嫔住的地方) the palace for concubines of the king or emperor (皮带扣) buckle: (皮肤裂口) chap (皮革或柳条制的)手工用品 boondoggle;
(皮革的) leather clothing (皱缩) shrivelled (监狱) prison bars; prison (监禁) keep in custody; imprison; put in jail (盖在床上的布) bed sheet
(盖起来) superinduce over [upon] (盛东西的器具) container made of tree branches or wood (盛奶用) milk bottle (目前) at the moment: (盯住; 抓住) grip; seize; take firm hold of; refuse to let go of:
(直到某时还未完成) up to: (直爽的人) straightforward person (直爽) frank; straightforward; outright: (直率) frank; candid; straight forward: (相互了解, 感情深厚的朋友) bosom friend; great friend; very close friend
(相互) with each other; together (相似) be similar to; be close to: (相差) way below (相当的) proper; fair; due: (相当长的一段时间; 好久) a long time; quite a while:
(相比之下更苦此) (of life, etc.) be more bitter than (相符合) fit; tally: (相识的人) acquaintance: (相貌年轻) having a youthful appearance: (盼头) prospect; hope:
(省名) Heilongjiang (Province) (看不起; 小看) belittle (看护) keep watch: (真切) clear; distinct (真实) true; truthful; arthentic:
(真挚爱情常经历曲折) The course of true love never did run smooth.; Love's course seldom runs smooth. (真正是有名产地出产的) from the place noted for the product; genuine: (真相不明之事件) mystery (真相) truth (真诚的心情、 感情) true feelings; real sentiments:
(真诚) cordial; heart-to-heart: (眷念) think fondly of; feel nostalgic about (眼光短浅) lack foresight; be shortsighted (眼泪纷纷落下的样子) (tears) streaming [trickling] down (眼球的旋转运动) vergence
(眼睛因困倦眯成一条缝) half-closed: (眼睛的神采) gaze; look: (眼红) be jealous of sb.: (眼镜架) spectacles frame (眼镜) eyeglasses
(着儿; 办法; 计策) trick; move (着想) have consideration for: (睡午觉) take [have] a nap after lunch (睡得踏实) soundly: (睡眠状态) state of being asleep
(睡觉; 住宿) go to bed; put up for the night (瞧不起) belittle; despise: (瞻仰) pay homage (at a monument, mausoleum, etc.) (矢量)作用线 position; line of action; action line; (知识不足、技术不高的人) smatterer
(知识不足、技术不高) have a smattering of a subject (知识丰富) learned; erudite (矫正字形) correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word (短暂的时间) in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden: (短线) an odd piece of thread; thrum
(矮立柜) a cupboard that also serves as a table; sideboard (石头山上凿成的台阶) steps cut on a rocky mountain (石方工程) stonework; rock excavation: (破开) cut [rip] open: (破绽) flaw; hole; loophole:
(硬给安上罪名) frame sb.; fabricate a charge against sb. (确定) fix in advance; ascertain; make sure: (确实) true; reliable: (碰上) run into: (碰到) meet
(碰巧) happen to; chance to; as it happens: (磨炼) rough it; temper oneself: (磨炼) temper; steel; toughen: (磨蹭) move slowly; dawdle: (礼物代表的心意) a token of affection, appreciation, gratitude, etc.:
(礼貌) formality: (社会黑暗) dark rule and social disorder (祖父) grandfather (神仙) supernatural being; deity (神奇的东西) wonder; prodigy; phenomenon
(神奇) magical; miraculous; mystical (神志不清) dazed; confused; muddled: (神志不清) dizzy: (神志不清) lose one's head; become confused; go crazy; be beside oneself: (神态恍惚) be in a trance
(神情) manner; air: (神经)兴奋时值 chronaxie; (神经)抑制机能减退 hypocolasia; hypokolasia; (神色不愉快) sorrowful-looking (神色严肃) stern; grave-looking
(神话中的仙桃) peach of immortality in Chinese mythology (神话指由织女星变的仙女) the Girl Weaver in the legend “The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver” (祭品) sacrificial offerings (祭奠仪式) memorial ceremony (祷告的话) prayers at sacrificial rites in ancient times
(禁不住; 受不住) cannot sustain (the weight); cannot stand (the pressure); cannot stand up against: (离奇古怪) eccentric and wild (离家远行) leave home; be away from home; go on a journey: (离开原来所在的地方) move to another place (离开原来的处所, 另有所图) change one's job; abandon one occupation in favour of another; job-hopping; job-hop
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