

(炼金术士在蒸馏瓶中人工制造的小人) homunculus (炼锡)酸性渣 long slag; (烟火食) cooked food (烟袋的坠饰) pendant a tobacco pouch (烦忧) nag; worry; pester:
(烦恼) be worried (烦琐冗长) (of speech or writing) lengthy and tedious; prolix (烧掉) burn (paper, etc. as an offering to the dead) (烧锅炉的工人) stoker; fireman (烧香的香味) smell of burning incense
(烫发用具) curling tongs; curling irons (烫得很平) well-ironed; trim: (烫衣服用的) flatiron; iron (热心帮助别人摆脱患难) be anxious to help (those in grave danger) (热情) enthusiasm; earnestness; ardour; zeal
(热着色) heat tinting (热闹的景象) a scene of bustle and excitement; a noisy and amusing show; a thrilling sight: (热) nice and warm; warm (焕发) thrive; prosper; be prosperous (焦急) restless with anxiety
(煤气灯或挥发油灯罩) mantle (煤油) kerosene; kerosene oil (照别人的话说,无主见的人) one who parrots another; sb.'s mouthpiece; a person who passes to others remarks supposed to be confidential (照搬他人经验方法) borrow indiscriminately from other people's experience (照搬他人经验方法) borrow indiscriminately from other people's experience
(照搬) indiscriminately imitate (照料训练) look after and tame (livestock) (照料) take care of: (照现成的曲调唱) sing according to the tune (of a song) (照相机)camera:
(照顾; 提拔) guide and support; give guidance and help to (熟睡时磨牙) grind one's teeth (in sleep) (熬糖拔丝) candied floss: (燃着的香上的火) burning joss stick; burning incense: (爱吃咸一点的味道) be fond of salty food
(爱吃淡一点的味道) be fond of food that is not salty (爱好) taste; liking; preference: (爱慕之情) affection: (爱探听别人的私事) snoopy (爱问长问短的人) rubberneck
(父亲的姑母) the sister of one's paternal grandfather; grandaunt (父亲的徒弟中年龄比自己大的) father's apprentice (older than oneself) (父亲的徒弟中年龄比自己小的) fathers apprentice (younger than oneself) (父亲) father (父母死后居丧的人) son in mourning
(父母的恩惠) parental love (爽快) simple and direct; forthright; straightforward: (爽快) simply; just; altogether: (版本) edition; print (牌戏中的同一花色) all of the same suit
(牛奶的用户) a person or household with a standing order for milk (牛羊等反刍动物的胃做食品时的名称) cow's or sheep's tripe (牛羊等的) hindquarter (牛脾气) stubbornness; obstinacy; tenacity; strong-willed: (牢牢记在心里) bear in mind
(物体圆而凸起像肚子的部分) thing shaped like a belly (物体的前部) precursor; front (物体的末尾部分) end; butt: (物体笨重) big and heavy; bulky: (物质报酬) remuneration; pay; wages; salary; terms of employment:
(牵制) pin down; check; contain (牵强附会) draw a forced analogy; give a strained interpretation (牵强附会) stretch the meaning (牵扯; 牵涉) implicate; involve; drag in: (牵连; 相连) tie up with; involve in
(牵连) implicate; involve; saddle with: (特别) odd: eccentric; funny: (特定的) certain; specific; given: (特指中国共产党和共青团) the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Youth League; the Party and the League: (特指中国第一次国内革命战争) the Great Rovolution in China (1924-1927)
(特指人或动物, 多含喜爱或厌恶的感情) thing; creature: (特指信佛的人把别人捉到的鱼鸟等买来放掉) buy captive fish or birds and set them free (特指史册) historical records; chronicles; annals: (牺牲) sacrifice one's life for; lay down one's life for (犯错误; 受挫折) make a mistake; meet with a setback
(犯错误) trip up; come a cropper; make a blunder (犹豫不决) weak in character (狡辩; 强辩) argue tediously and vexatiously; wrangle (独占位置、权利等) dominate; monopolize: (狭隘; 不舒服) narrow; confined; cooped up in a narrow space
(狭隘而刻板的思路) have a one-track mind (猎枪子弹) shot; pellets (猛烈发作) explode; erupt: (猜测) guess; guess the speaker's real intention or the truth of the matter (猜疑) have misgivings about sth.; have sth. on one's mind:
(玩具) toy; plaything (玩纸牌) play cards (现代汉语普通话的字调) the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation (现在任职的) currently in office; incumbent: (现在; 目前) today; present; now:
(现在) the present; now (现指流亡国外的官僚、地主、资本家) bureaucrats or rich people in exile (玷污) defile; sully; tarnish (玷污) defile; sully; tarnish: (球赛时间) half of a game or contest
(球) shuttlecock (理发) have one's hair cut; have a haircut (理所当然) it goes without saying; of course; naturally: (理由成立) hold water; be tenable: (理由成立) hold water; be tenable:
(理睬; 过问) take notice of; pay attention to: (琐碎的事情) nonessentials; minor details (琐碎; 麻烦) troublesome; overelaborate: (瓷质绝缘子) (porcelain) insulator; (甘薯) sweet potato
(甚至于) go so far as to; have the impudence to; have the effrontery to: (生一阵气) set angry: (生产大队)信用站 credit stations in the production brigades of a commune; (生动而有意义的文章、故事) inspiring story (生命力; 活力) life; vitality; breath; zap; vigour:
(生活在水中的动物) aquatic animals (生活或作品中的一段经历或情节) episode; interlude: (生活艰难窘迫) in financial straits; poverty-stricken; hard up; in straitened circumstances (生活荒唐) loose; perverted; decadent: (生活) life; livelihood:
(生火做饭) light a kitchen fire; light a stove (生疏) unacquainted with; unfamiliar with: (生育) give birth to: (用不上) less than: (用丝编织的衣物) silk knit goods; mercery; ilicha
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