

选择跟踪 selective trace; 选择转储 selective dump; 选择辐射体 selective radiator; 选择辐射压力 selective radiation pressure; 选择辐射 {物} selective radiation;
选择辐射计 selective radiometer; 选择边带接收 selectable sideband reception; 选择还原 selective reduction; 选择连词 alternative conjunctions; 选择追踪程序 selective tracing routine;
选择透过度 permoselectivity; 选择透过膜 permselective membrane; 选择通道 selector channel; 选择鉴别特征 {电子} selective identification feature; 选择镀 {冶} selective plating;
选择门电路 select gate; 选择问题 choice problem; 选择阵列法 discretionary array method; 选择需要 option demand; 选择项目 option;
选择顺序 selecting sequence; 选择题 选择风化 selective weathering; 选择(性)电极 selectrode; 选接完成信号
选数器 选数管 选数管存储器 selectron storage 选料器 选料考究
选料讲究 选曲 选木工 选木打枝 选本
超高压锅炉 superpressure boiler; superhigh pressure boiler; 超高压阀 excess high pressure valves; 超高图表 chart for superelevation 超高度 cant of the superelevation; 超高温
超高温合金 supertherm; 超高温材料 hyperthermal material; 超高温测量方法 ultrahigh temperature measuring method; 超高温温度表 hyperthermometer 超高温灭菌法 ultrahigh-temperature sterilization;
超高温燃烧 ultrahigh temperature combustion; 超高温耐火材料 extreme temperature refractory; 超高电压 extrahigh pressure; superhigh tension; ultrahigh voltage; 超高真空 超高真空计 ultrahigh vacuum gauge;
超高真空计量 ultrahigh vaccum measurement 超高空 超高能 超高能加速器 ultrahigh-energy accelerator; superhigh energy accelerator; 超高能物理学 physics of superhigh energies;
超高能粒子加速器 supercosmotron; 超高能质子 superproton 超高规 superelevation gauge; superelevation templet; 超高速 超高速光电倍增管 ultrahigh-speed photomultiplier;
超高速公路 clearway; 超高速切削 superhigh-speed cutting; 超高速切削合金 superhigh speed alloy; 超高速图像拖尾摄像机 ultra speed streak camera; 超高速地区运输系统 high speed ground transport system;
超高速存取加法 zero access addition; 超高速存取存储器 ultrahigh access memory; 超高速巨型计算机 giant ultrahigh-speed computer; 超高速弹道学 hyperballistics; 超高速摄影乳剂 super high speed emulsion;
超高速数字集成电路 superhigh speed digital integrated circuit; 超高速模-数转换器 superhigh speed A-D converter; 超高速火车 supertrain; 超高速焊接 ultra-speed welding; 超高速照相仪器 ultrahigh speed photographic instrument
超高速磁撞 hypervelocity impact; 超高速粒子 ultrahigh speed particle; 超高速缓冲存储器 cache; cache (buffer) memory; buffer memory; 超高速脉冲再生器 ultrahigh speed pulse repeater; 超高速计算机 very-high speed computer; ultrafast computer;
超高速钢 superhigh (speed) steel; 超高速铁路 ultrahigh speed railway; 超高速门电路 ultrahigh speed gate circuit; 超高速风洞 hypervelocity wind tunnel; 超高频
超高频传播 super high frequency propagation; 超高频信号发生器 UHF signal generator; 超高频功率计 enthrakometer; 超高频发射机 ultrahigh-frequency transmitter; 超高频发生器 ultrahigh frequency generator;
超高频四极管 ultrahigh frequency tetrode; 超高频回路 ultrahigh frequency loop; 超高频外差波长计 UHF heterodyne wave meter; 超高频天线 ultrahigh frequency antenna; antenna for superhigh frequency; 超高频振荡三极管 dyotron
超高频振荡器 ultrahigh frequency generator; ultrahigh frequency oscillator; superhigh frequency oscillator; (螺旋谐振器式) dicartron; 超高频接收机 ultrahigh frequency receiver; 超高频放大 ultrahigh frequency amplification; 超高频放大器 super high frequency amplifier; 超高频气体放电管 super high frequency gas discharging tube;
超高频波导管 hyperfrequency waveguide; 超高频波形 ultrahigh frequency waveform; 超高频波 {电磁} hyperfrequency waves; 超高频瓷 ultraporcelain; 超高频电波 ultrahigh-frequency wave;
超高频碳膜电阻器 ultrahigh frequency carbon film resistor; 超高频示波管 super high frequency oscilloscope; ultrahigh frequency cathode ray tube; 超高频移相器 UHF phase shifter; phase shifter for UHF region; 超高频管 super high frequency tube; 超高频调谐器 ultrahigh frequency tuner;
超高频铁氧体 superhigh frequency ferrite; 超高频铁氧体移相器 ferrite phase shifter for UHF region; 超高频阴极射线管 superhigh frequency cathode ray tube; 超高频频谱分析仪 vectron; 超龄
超龄船 overage vessel 越…越… 越位 越俎代庖
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