

过户 过户代理(股票) transfer agent; 过户成本 assigned cost; 过户手续费 transfer charges; 过户编号 transfer number;
过户账目 transfer ledger 过手 过扫描 过挡船 过放电
过敏 过敏原 sensitizin; sensibiligen; anaphylactogen; sensitinogen; allergen 过敏反应 过敏反应性 {免疫} pathergy 过敏反应迟缓反应物质 {免疫} slow reacting substance anaphylaxis;
过敏性 过敏性中毒 anaphylatoxism; 过敏性休克 anaphylactic shock; allergic shock; 过敏性动脉炎 {医} allergic arteritis; 过敏性反应 allergic reaction;
过敏性接触性皮炎 allergic contact dermatitis; 过敏性疾病 hypersensitivity disease; 选取码 {电} access code; 选取线路 access line 选台
选号 选号呼叫系统 selective calling system 选图设备 选场 选址
选址望远镜 site telescope 选型 选型交配 assortative mating 选字矩阵 选定
选定时间 {工管} selected time; 选定水雷 selected mine 选定目标 selected target; 选定脉冲 selected pulse; 选定路线传递 routining;
选幅放大器 选录 选征兵役制 选成 选手
选拍照相机 选拔 选拔委员会 committee of selection; selection committee 选拔考试 screening test; 选拔赛 (selective) trials; tryout; qualification trials;
选择 选择交代(作用) selective metasomatism; selective replacement; 选择交配 assortative [preferential] mating; 选择位 select bit; 选择作用 {遗} selection
选择侵蚀 selective etching; 选择信号装置 selective signalling; 选择信标雷达 selective beacon radar (SBR); 选择停机指令 optional-stop instruction; optional-halt instruction; 选择元件 selection element;
选择公理 axiom of choice; 选择共振 {物} selective resonance; 选择函数 choice function; selection function; 选择分类 selection sort; 选择功能 selection function;
选择加氢 selective hydrogenation; 选择卸货港 optional discharging port; optional port of discharge; 选择压力 selection pressure; 选择原则 {物} selection principle; 选择参数 selection parameter;
选择反射 {电} selective reflection; 选择反应 choice reaction; 选择发射频率 select transmit frequency; 选择发生 elective genesis; 选择受精 selective fertilization;
选择变速器 {机} selective transmission; 选择合并器 selection combiners; 选择吸收器 selective absorber; 选择吸附[吸收] {化} selective absorption; 选择呼号 selective call;
选择命令 select command; 选择器 选择器列 rank of selectors; 选择器塞头 selector plug; 选择器开关 selector switch;
选择器架 selector shelf; 选择器级 rank of switches; 选择器线圈 selector coil 选择场地 {体} choice of ends; 选择培养 {化} selective culture;
选择培养基 selective media; 选择增效 selective advance; 选择外延 {半} selective epitaxy; 选择子句 choice clause; 选择字块 selector block;
选择学说 selection theory; 选择定则 {物} selection rule; 选择定址 selective addressing; 选择寻址系统 adsel; 选择崩落 selective breaking-out;
选择布线机 discretionary wiring machine; 选择布线法 {半} discretionary wiring method; 选择度 {电} selectance; 选择开关 selective switch; select switch; option switch; 选择式分集合并
选择性 选择性亲(和)力 selective affinity; 选择性保护 {电工} selective protection; 选择性信息 selective information; 选择性信息提供 selective dissemination of information;
选择性信道 selective channel; 选择性光电效应 selective photoeffect; 选择性农药 selective pesticide; 选择性删除 selective erase; 选择性压力 selection pressure;
选择性压裂 {油} selective fracturing; 选择性反射 selective reflection; 选择性变压器 selective transformations; 选择性吸收 selective absorption; 选择性吸附剂 {化工} selective absorbent;
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