

过境贸易 transit trade; 过境路线 transit route; through route; 过境车辆 transit vehicle; 过境运价 transborder rate; 过境阵雨 passing shower;
过境风 passage winds; 过多 过夜 过大剖面 过大路拱
过失 过失伤害 corporal wound by mistake; negligent injury; 过失所负责任 liability for fault; 过失杀人 involuntarily commit manslaughter; involuntary homicide; 过失犯罪 criminal negligence; involuntary crime;
过失程度 degree of fault; degree of blame; 过失罪 negligent crime 过失脱逃 negligent escape; 过失行为 negligent act; 过失误差 {统} gross errors;
过失责任 liability for fault; neglect duty; 过头 过头球 overhead shot 过头缰 overcheck 过奖
过客 过客病毒 passenger virus 过小侏儒 过屠门而大嚼 过山炮
过山蕨 过山车 过山龙 过布居 过平衡
过年 1 过年 2 过应力 过应力测试 overstress testing 过应变
过应时效 过度 过度伸长 excess elongation; overstretch; 过度使用 overuse; 过度修正 over correction;
过度借款 overnight loan; 过度充分就业 over-full employment; 过度兴奋 overexcitation; 过度冷却 undercooling; 过度切削 overcutting;
过度刻划 overcutting; 过度压缩 super compression; 过度发展 elephantiasis; 过度发育 overdevelopment; 过度发行 overissue;
过度回火 overtempering; 过度堰塞 overdamming; 过度壅水 overdamming; 过度学习 overlearning; 过度密植 excessive close planting;
过度应力 overstress; 过度开发 overexploitaction; 过度弯曲 overbending; 过度感染 superinfection; hyperinfection; 过度成熟(现象) postmaturity;
过度抑制 overinhibition; 过度投机 overspeculation; 过度投资论 over-saving investment theory; 过度捏和 overmilling; 过度捕捞 overfishing;
过度控制 over control; 过度操纵防止器 bungee; 过度收敛 overconvergence; 过度放牧 overgrazing; 过度整流 over-commutation;
过度时效 overaging; 过度曝光 overexposure; 过度松[张]驰 {数} overrelaxation; superrelaxation; 过度活性 overactivity; 过度淬火 overquenching;
过度渗碳 excess carburizing; over carburizing; 过度激发 overexcitation; 过度照射 overexposure; 过度熔炼 overmelt; 过度生长 overgrowth;
过度疲劳 over fatigue; be overtired; 过度砍伐 overcut; 过度研磨 overmastication; 过度硫化 over-cure; over-vulcanization; 过度碎磨 overgrinding;
过度磨碎 {采矿} overgrinding; 过度神经紧张 Americanitis; 过度种植 overcrop; 过度稳定性 overstability; 过度竞争 over-competition;
过度精炼 overrefinement; 过度紧张 supertension; 过度约束景气 overkill; 过度膨胀 overexpansion; hypertrophy; 过度自动化 overautomation
过度补偿 overcompensation; 过度计量 overdose; 过度训练 over training; 过度负荷 over load; 过度转向 oversteer;
过度辐照 overirradiation; 过度还原 over reduction; 过度退火 overannealed; 过度通风 overdraft; 过度酸性 superacidity;
过度采伐 over-exploitation; 过度驰豫 over-relaxation; 过庭之训 过强信号状态 过录
过往 过往甚密 过得去 过得硬 过意不去
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