

选择性图 selectivity diagram; 选择性培养基 selective medium; 选择性堵水 selective water plugging; 选择性太阳能吸收涂层 selective solar energy absorbing coating; 选择性定位 organocalie;
选择性差异 selective difference; 选择性干扰 selective interference; selective jamming; spot jamming; 选择性干扰机 spot jammer; 选择性开采法 {采矿} selective mining; 选择性开采 {采矿} high grading;
选择性打印 {计} selective dump; 选择性招标 selective tender; 选择性指数 selectivity index; 选择性指标 selection index; 选择性捕捞 selective fishing;
选择性控制 selectivity control; 选择性效应 selective effect; 选择性散射 selective scattering; 选择性散射系数 selective scattering coefficient; 选择性显示 blanking;
选择性曲线 selectivity curve; 选择性染色法 reversal process; 选择性标记 selected marker; 选择性死亡率表 select mortality table; 选择性浮选 selective flotation;
选择性溶剂 {化工} selective solvent; 选择性溶剂脱蜡 {化} dewaxing with selective solvents; 选择性滤光器 selective filter; 选择性滤光片 selective filter; selective screen; 选择性滤波器 selective filter;
选择性激励 selective excitation; 选择性特性 selectivity characteristic; 选择性电平测量设备 selective level measuring equipment; 选择性电路 selective circuit; 选择性知觉 selective perception;
选择性破碎 selective crushing; 选择性破碎机 bradford breaker; 选择性磨矿 selective milling; 选择性突变型 selective mutant; 选择性系数 selectivity factor;
选择性网络 selective network; 选择性育种 selection breeding; 选择性腐蚀试验 selective corrosion test; 选择性衰落 selective fading; 选择性规则 selectional rule;
选择性调整 selectivity control; 选择性负反馈 selective inverse feedback; selective negative feedback; 选择性负回授 selective inverse feedback; selective negative feedback; 选择性资本 optional capital 选择性辐射体 selective radiator;
选择性酸化 {油} selective acidizing; 选择性除草剂 selective herbicide; 选择成本 alternative costs; 选择扩散 {半} selective diffusion; 选择抽样 selective sampling;
选择指令 selection instruction; select order; 选择指数 selection index; 选择指数法 selection index method; 选择振铃 {电} selective ringing; 选择接口 option interface;
选择控制 selection control; 选择提单 optional bill of lading; 选择擦除 selective erasing; 选择放大器 selective amplifier; 选择放松 relaxation of selection;
选择效应 selection effect; 选择散射 {电} selective scattering; 选择断路 selective tripping; 选择断路系统 selective tripping system; 选择本领 {物} selectivity;
选择机构 selection mechanism; 选择权 选择权协议 option agreement 选择杆 selector; 选择板 option board;
选择标记插入 selective mark insertion; 选择标记(基因) selected marker; 选择校验 selection check; 选择检验 {计} selection check; 选择模式 preference pattern;
选择模拟程序 case simulator; 选择毒性 selective toxicity; 选择比 selection ratio; 选择氧化 selective oxidation; 选择法院 choice forum;
选择测量系统 selective measuring system; 选择渗透性 differential permeability; 选择港 optional port; 选择滤波器 selective filter; 选择激发 selective excitation;
选择物 candidate; 选择电路 selection circuit; selected circuit; 选择疏伐 {林} selective thinning; 选择码 option code; 选择硬化 {物} selective hardening;
选择磁心 selection core; 选择磁心矩阵 selection core matrix; 选择程序 option program; 选择程序计算机 selective sequence calculator; 选择税 alternative duty; optional duty;
选择精制 selective finishing; 选择系数 selective coefficient; 选择纵标法 selected ordinate method; 选择线 selection wire; 选择结晶 selective freezing;
选择继电器 selective relay; selector; 选择者 optant; 选择育种 {生} selective breeding; 选择脉冲 strobe pulse; 选择脉冲延迟 trigger-gate delay;
选择萃取 {化} selective extraction; 选择装置 strobe unit; 选择解扣 selective tripping; 选择解扣系统 selective tripping system; 选择计数器 {物} gated counter;
选择试剂 selective reagent; 选择语句 case statement; 选择调制 selective modulation; 选择谐振 {电} selective resonance; 选择费 sorting charge;
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