

风动链锯 pneumatic chain saw; 风动锤 air ram; 风动除鳞装置 pneumatic descaling apparatus; 风动马达 pneumatic motor; 风化
风化产物 sedentary product; 风化作用 slacking; weathering 风化冰山 {海} weathered iceberg; 风化分解露头 decomposed outcrop; 风化势指数 weathering-potential index;
风化原油 weathering crude; 风化变质作用 demorphism; 风化变质 {地质} catamorphism; katamorphism; 风化地貌 weathering landform; 风化壳
风化壳矿床 residual deposit 风化层 C-horizon; solum; regolith; mantle rock; 风化岩石 decayed rock; mantle rock; 风化带 {地质} zone of weathering; 风化残渣 weathering residue;
风化残积粘土 baliki; 风化母岩 weathered matrix; 风化渣 slacking slag; 风化煤 danty; 风化相 eksedofacies;
风化石 land waste; sap; 风化石灰 air slacked lime; 风化石筑坝 风化矿床 deposit produced by weathering; 风化硅石 {地质} tripoli; rottonstone; terra cariosa;
风化硅质灰岩 rottonstone; terra cariosa; 风化穴 tafoni; 风化花岗岩 weathered granite; 风化花岗质砂岩 grus; gruss; grush; residual arkose; weathering crust; residuum; 风化试验 slacking test;
风化过程 efflorescence; 风化面 weathering front; 风区长度 风华 风华正茂
风华绝代 风卷残云 风卷残叶 风卷荷叶 风压
风压力 wind pressure; 风压差 leeway; 风压板风速仪 风压波动 blast wandering; 风压表 {工} draft gauge;
风压计 blast gauge; blast pressure gauge; 风压调整器 manometer regulator 风压降 ventilation pressure loss; 风压面积 wind area; 风发
风口 风口冷却器 tuyere block; tuyere cooler; 风口冷却板 tuyere cooling plate; 风口区 tuyere area; 风口型燃烧器
风口塞 tuyere plug; 风口孔 tuyere notch; 风口带钢箍 风口弯头 eyesight elbow; 风口总有效截面积 total blast nozzle area; total tuyere area;
风口拱墙 tuyere arch; 风口挡 draught screen; 风口接头 tuyere connection; 风口比 tuyere ratio; 风口浪尖
风口清理 punching; 风口盖 stock cap; tuyere cap; 风口砖 tuyere brick 风口箱 tuyere box; 风口速度 tuyere velocity;
风口阀 tuyere valve; 风向 风向仪 anemoscope; 风向偏转 wind deflection; 风向图 wind rose;
风向指示计[器] wind direction indicator; 风向标 wind vane; 风向气球 trial ballon; 风向界线 wind divide; 风向突变线 wind-shift line;
风向袋 wind sleeve; windsock; wind cone; 风向计 registering weather vane; 风向逆转 backing of wind; 风向锥 windsock 风向风速仪 anerovane; wind vane and anemometer;
风向风速器 anemovane; 风向风速表 anemorumbometer; 风向风速计 registering weather vane and anemograph; 风向齿 wind tee; 风吹叶落
风吹声 风吹式锥形球磨机 风吹日晒 风吹枝曳 风吹水面幅度
风吹浪打 风吹草伏 风吹草动 风吹落果 风吹雨打
风吼雪舞 风味 风味小吃 local flavour snacks 风味菜 typical local dish; 风和日丽
风和日暖 风啸浪涌 风喘伸入度 风嘴 风嘴孔 tuyere notch;
风嘴工作 tuyere action; 风嘴帽 tuyere head; 风嘴底 tuyere bottom; 风嘴清孔机 tuyere puncher 风噪声
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