

调律 2 调态 调息 调情 调情作乐
调情者 flirter; flirt 调戏 调戏声 调护 调拨
调挡 调换 调换债券 refunding bonds 调换发行 conversion issue; 调换接头 tap changing;
调换测量法 transposition method of measurement; 调换管段 repipe; 调控 调放结合 调教
调整 调整、巩固、充实、提高 调整、改革、整顿、提高国民经济 调整井 adjusting well; 调整产业结构 readjust the industrial set-up;
调整产品方向 reorienting production; 调整产品结构 readjust the product mix; 调整人 setup person; 调整供求关系 regulate [readjust] supply and demand; 调整保留时间 adjusted retention time;
调整偏差 {控} offset; 调整光阑 irising; diaphragmation; 调整准确度 accuracy of adjustment; 调整列线图 alignment chart; 调整剂 modifier;
调整励磁机 Regulex; regulating exciter; 调整区域 control space; 调整卵 {胚} regulative egg; 调整发动机 make true an engine; 调整后总收益
调整器 adjuster; 调整垫圈 adjusting washer; adjustment washer; adjusting spacer; 调整垫片 spacer shim; 调整基因 modulator; 调整子 {代} regulator;
调整孔 access; 调整实际库存量 adjust actual inventory; 调整密码子 modulating codon; 调整工 spanner; adjuster; 调整工商业 readjusting industry and commerce;
调整年金 adjusted pension; 调整投资使用方向 redirecting the use of investment; 调整投资结构 changing the distribution of investment; better distribution of investment; 调整指标 adjust the targets; 调整指针刻度盘 {钟} set-hands dial;
调整搅拌器 correction agitator; 调整放大器 control amplifier; 调整政府机构 restructure government institution; 调整数字 justifying digit; 调整旋塞 regulating cock;
调整旋钮 adjusting knob; setting knob; 调整时期 (1963-1965) readjustment period; period of economic readjustment; 调整时间 debug time; 调整服务数字 justification service digits; 调整机构 adjusting mechanism; setting mechanism;
调整机车 trimmer; 调整杆(儿) adjusting rod; 调整楔 adjusting wedge; 调整比价 adjust the price ratios; 调整汇率 exchange adjustments;
调整法 regulating act; 调整液 correction liquor; 调整渣 {冶} conditioned slag; 调整片 调整片随动机构 trim-tab
调整率 {电工} regulation; relative regulation; 调整环 adjustable collar; 调整球 transitional ball; 调整生产计划 revise production plans; 调整电势计 adjusting potentiometer;
调整电压范围 band of regulated voltage; 调整电容 control capacitance; 调整电路 alignment circuit; regulator circuit; 调整盈余额 adjustment of surplus; 调整相位 control phase;
调整矿区形状 {采矿} swinging a claim; 调整科类结构和专业设置 调整程序 adjustment-process; alignment procedure; 调整精整机 set-up the finishing mill; 调整系数 regulation factor;
调整组 set-up family 调整经济关系 调整缝 compensation joint; 调整翼片 tab; 调整肌 adjuster;
调整能源集团 energy co-ordinate group; 调整色光 shading; 调整螺栓 {机} adjustable bolt; 调整螺钉 setscrew; 调整触点 set feeler;
调整试验 adjustment test; 调整误差 setup error; 调整调车 trimming; 调整货币 realignment of currencies; 调整费用 setup cost;
调整资本 recapitalization; 调整部件 correcting member; 调整阴阳 regulating Yin-Yang; 调整零点 zeroing; 调料
调料瓶 apothecary jar 调料酱菜加工 condiment and vegetables processing; 调服 调机数据 调查
调查人 investigator; inquirer; 调查会 fact-finding meeting; 调查员 investigator; 调查团 fact-finding mission; 调查委员会 board [commission] of inquiry; investigation [fact-finding] committee;
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