

调查对象 respondents; 调查报告 survey; investigation [findings] report; 调查提纲 outline for investigation; questionnaire; 调查机关 investigatory apparatus; 调查浮标 surveying buoy;
调查研究 investigation and study; 调查结果 result; 调查船 research [survey] ship; 调查范围 field of investigation; 调查表 questionnaire; list for investigation;
调查证据 investigation of evidence 调校 调档 调正 调步
调气 调气贮藏 调水 调治 风力发电厂 wind power plant;
风力发电机 wind-mill generator; wind-driven generator [dynamo; electricity generator]; anemo-electric generator; 风力发电站 wind power station; 风力吹送卸载器 discharge blower; 风力坡蚀 planorasion; 风力堆积机 wind stacker;
风力工程 wind power engineering; 风力影响 windage; 风力注射不燃灭火 {采矿} pneumatic injection; 风力泵 wind pump; 风力系数 {航空} wind factor;
风力能源 wind energy; 风力脉动跳汰机 pulsator air jig; 风力自记曲线 anemogram 风力装药 blow-charging; 风力计 {军} windage scale; wind gage; self-recording anemometer;
风力计算机 pneumatic computer; 风力记录仪 anemometrograph; 风力设备 wind power installation; 风力调速器 windmill governor; 风力跳汰机 {采矿} air jig; pneumatic jig;
风力输沙 sediment transport by wind; 风力输送器 pneumatic tube conveyer; 风力输送机 wind conveyer; 风力运输机 air float conveyer; 风力运输 {采矿} air transport; pneumatic transportation;
风力送冰机 ice blower; 风力选 winnowing; 风力选煤 {采矿} wind method; coal pneumatic separation; 风力选矿 pneumatic separation; 风力选矿机 pneumatic cleaner;
风力选矿装置 pneumatic separator; 风力锤 air-leg; 风力降温 windchill; 风动 风动传送装置孔道 pneumatic rabbit hole;
风动伸缩式气腿 {采矿} air leg; 风动冲击凿岩机 hammer drill; 风动冲击式截煤机 pneumatic puncher; 风动冲压机 pneumatic punching machine; 风动凿孔机 air puncher;
风动凿岩机 air rock drill; pneumatic rock drill; 风动剪 pneumatic cutter; 风动剪断机 air shears; 风动发动机 compressed air engine; 风动发电机 wind-driven generator; air-driven generator;
风动台式砂箱捣实机 pneumatic bench sand rammer; 风动喷射 pneumatic injection; 风动喷漆 pneumatpneumatic spray painting; 风动圆片锯 pneumatic circular saw; 风动型芯破碎机
风动多爪抓岩机 pneumatic cactus grab; 风动密缝凿 pneumatic ca(u)lker; 风动履带式凿岩机 {采矿} air-track drill; 风动工作台 air table; 风动工具 pneumatic tools; pneumatic apparatus;
风动工具附件 pneumatic tool accessory; 风动手提砂轮机 air hand grinder; 风动打印机 pneumatic marker; 风动打桩锤 air pile hammer; 风动扳手 pneumatic impact wrench;
风动抓岩机 air operated grab; pneumatic grab; 风动捣固机 pneumatic rammer; 风动推杆 pneumatic pusher; 风动搅拌器 pneumatic stirrer; 风动机构 air operated mechanism;
风动机械 pneumatic machinery; 风动标志笔 pneumatic marking pen; 风动气流 windstream; 风动气锤钻 air-driven hammer drill; 风动油压千斤顶 air-driven hydraulic jack;
风动泵 air sump pump; 风动涡轮 wind turbine; 风动-液动拔棒机 pneumatic-hydraulic pin puller; 风动混凝土破碎机 pneumatic concrete breaker; 风动炉门 pneumatic firedoor;
风动砂轮机 air operated portable grinder; pneumatic grinder; 风动磨头 air grinder; 风动竹梢, 如翻麦浪 风动管子清洁机 air-driven mechanical tube cleaner; 风动给料机 pneumatic feeder;
风动绞车 air hoist; air winch; compressed air hoist; 风动节流器 air operated throttle motor; 风动花香 风动螺母扳手 pneumatic nut wrench; 风动装置 aerophor
风动装载机air loader; 风动角度磨床 air angle grinder; 风动起动器 anemostart; 风动转弯指示器 wind-driven turn indicator; 风动运送 pneumatic conveying;
风动钉子枪 pneumatic gun neiler; 风动钻孔器 air sinker; 风动钻机 pneumatic drilling machine; 风动钻架 feedleg; 风动钻车 air motor driven jumbo;
风动铆接 pneumatic riveting; 风动铆接机 pneumatic riveter; 风动铆机 pneumatic riveting machine; 风动铆钉机 compression riveter; riveting hammer; percussion riveting machine; 风动铆钉铲 pneumatic rivet buster;
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