

高温显微照相 hot-stage photomicrograph; 高温显微镜 heating microscope; microscope for metal investigation at high temperature; 高温期 megathermal period; 高温本征半导体 high-temperature intrinsic semiconductor; 高温材料 high-temperature material;
高温染色 high-temperature dyeing; 调和折衷 调和数列 {数} harmonic progression; 调和敷衍 调和方程 harmonic equation; Laplace equation;
调和映射 harmonic mapping; 调和比 {数} harmonic ratio; 调和气血 调和水系 accordant drainage; 调和测度 harmonic measure;
调和漆 mixed paint; ready mixed paint; 调和物 temper; 调和矿浆 {采矿} conditioning pulp; 调和积分 harmonic integral; 调和算子 Laplace operator;
调和算符 Laplacian; 调和级数 harmonic progression; harmonic series; 调和综合 harmoric synthesis 调和肝胃 调和肝脾
调和肝脾剂 liver-spleen harmonizing prescription 调和肠胃 调和肠胃剂 intestine-stomach harmonizing prescription 调和螺杆 temper screw; 调和行为 appeasement;
调和解 harmonic solution; 调和诸脏 调唆 调嘴学舌 调回
调回外汇 调墨台 调墨机 调墨油 调声
调处 调头 1 调头 2 调头就跑 调头池 turning basin;
调头车辆 head end operation; 调头采煤flitting 调子 调定 调定稳定性 setting stability
调定能力 setting ability; 调宽线圈 调幅 调幅分度线 amplitude-modulation reticle; 调幅发射机 amplitude-modulated transmitter;
调幅变压器 amplitude-modulation transformer; modulation transformer; 调幅咆络不对称性 asymmetry of AM envelope; 调幅器 amplitude modulator; 调幅干扰 AM jamming; 调幅广播信道 AM broadcast channel;
调幅度 调幅度不对称性 asymmetry of AM envelope; 调幅度测试器 percentage modulation meter; 调幅度测量仪 AM modulation meter; 调幅度计量 amplitude modulation measurement
调幅扼流圈 amplitude-modulation choke; 调幅抑制 amplitude-modulation suppression; amplitude-modulation rejection; AM rejection; 调幅指示器 amplitude-modulated indicator; deflection-modulated indicator; {工} intensity-modulated indicator; 调幅收音机 AM receiver; 调幅无线电设备 {讯} amplitude-modulation radio;
调幅杆 deckle rod; 调幅检波器 amplitude-modulation detector; 调幅波 amplitude-modulated wave; AM wave; 调幅结型晶体管振荡器 amplitude-modulated junction transistor oscillator; 调幅编码 amplitude-modulation coding;
调幅-调相系数 AM-PM coefficient; 调幅-调频变换器 AM-FM converter; 调幅锁模 mode locking by amplitude modulation; 调幅阈 AM threshold; 调幅阻流圈 modulating choke
调幅(波)接收机 amplitude-modulation receiver; 调干学员 调平 调平(机构)油缸 leveling cylinder 调度
调度中心 dispatching center 调度优先级 dispatching priority; 调度台 dispatching desk; 调度员 dispatcher; yardman; controller; 调度塞绳 patch cord;
调度处理机 scheduling processor; 调度室 control building [room]; dispatching room [station]; dispatcher's office; 调度工程师 control engineer; dispatching engineer; 调度所 dispatching office; 调度排队 scheduling queue;
调度文件 schedule file; 调度有方 调度模型 scheduling model; 调度理论 scheduling theory; 调度电力机车 electric switching locomotive;
调度电话 dispatching telephone; 调度电话引入转换架 lead-in and change-over rack for dispatching telephone; 调度电话系统 dispatcher telephone system; 调度电话装置 dispatcher telephone device; 调度程序 scheduler program; scheduler; dispatcher;
调度程序系统 scheduling system; 调度站 dispatching [commanding] point; 调度策略 {计} scheduling strategy; 调度算法 dispatching [dispatch; scheduling] algorithm; 调度系统 dispatching [scheduling] system;
调度绞车 car hauler; car spotting hoist; spotting hoist; 调度规则 scheduling rule [discipline]; 调度计算机 dispatching computer; 调度设备 dispatching equipment; 调度载波配合器 carrier adapter for dispatching telephone;
调度长 dinger; 调度集中 centralized traffic control; 调弄 调式 调律 1
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