

计量剖面 metering section; 计量单位 prickle; 计量卷尺 metering band; 计量取样检验 sampling inspection by variable; 计量变换 gauge transformation;
计量口 gauge hatch; gauge hatch nipple; 计量台 weigh-bridge; 计量器 计量器常数 register constant; 计量器标度盘 meter dial;
计量器校准 meter calibration; 计量器用油 meter oil 计量基准 mete-wand; 计量孔 dip hatch; 计量学
计量学家 metrologist 计量室 measuring room; 计量序列 counter train; 计量心理学 psychometrics; 计量性能 metering performance;
计量情报学 Informetrics; 计量抽样方案 sampling plan by variables; 计量抽样检查 sampling inspection by variables; 计量按钮 metering button; 计量控制处理机 measurement control processor;
计量放大器 meter amplifier; 计量数据系统 metric data system; 计量斗 weighing hopper; 计量断面 ruling section; 计量日工作制
计量机构 metrological service; 计量桶 batch box; measuring pail; 计量检验工作 metrological and inspecting work; 计量法 weighing and measures law; 计量泵 {化工} metering pump; proportioning pump; jigger pump;
计量测定 measuration; 计量润滑 metered lubrication; 计量漏斗 measuring hoper; 计量生物学 biometric; 计量电路 metering circuit;
计量皿 counting cup; 计量站 metering station; 计量管理学派 quantitative management school; 计量箱 batch meter; 计量经济学 econometrics;
计量经济模型 econometric model; 计量经济软件包 economtric software package; 计量经济预测 econometric forecasting; 计量罐 measuring tank; 计量螺旋 metering screw; metering auger;
计量表 gauge table; 计量装置 metering installation; metering mechanism; 计量计数器 batching counter; 计量语言学 computational linguistics; 计量资料 measurement data
计量部门 metrological service; 计量长度 gauge length; 计量阀 scale valve; 订书剪机
订书机 订书用棉布 订书钉 订交 订位
订单 订单确认书 confirmation of order 订单符号 ticker symbols; 订单额度 order of magnitude; 订口
订口空白 back 订售羊毛 订婚 订婚戒指 engagement ring; betrothal ring 订户
订房间 订正 订正气压 reduced pressure; 订正磁极 corrected geomagnetic pole; 订正纸 correction paper (打字用)
订正高度 corrected altitude; 订租舱位 订立 订立合同 conclusion of contract 订约
订舱 订舱单 booking memo [note]; 订舱处 booking office; 订舱汇总清单 booking container summary; 订舱清单 booking list
订货 订货付现 cash in order; 订货付现款 订货代理人 indent agent; 订货会议 meeting for the placement of orders; national conference on placing orders; order-placing meeting;
订货单 order for goods; order form; 订货合同 order contract; goods-ordering contract 订货成本 ordering cost; 订货时机 ordering opportunity; 订货确认书 confirmation of order;
订货确认条 confirmation slip; 订货追踪 follow up the order 订购 订购目录 subcription list (订购或订户的记录或名单) 订购货品 indent goods;
订费 订载期限 订钱 订阅
讣告 讣电 讣闻 认为
认可 认可股份 authorized stock 认同作用 认命 认头
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