

释义 认(認)[rèn]1. (认识; 分辨) recognize; know; make out; identify:认出某人identify [recognize] a person;她变得使我简直认不出来了。She had changed so much that I could hardly recognize her.; She had changed beyond my recognition.他的字真难认。His handwriting is barely legible.; His handwriting is hard to read.自己的东西, 自己来认。Come and pick out your own things.2. (建立关系) enter into a certain relationship with; adopt:认师傅apprentice oneself to sb.;认她作闺女adopt her as a daughter3. (同意; 承认) admit; recognize; own:承认admit; recognize;否认deny;公认be generally acknowledged [recognized];认个不是offer an apology; apologize4. (应承) undertake to do sth.:认捐500元undertake to contribute 500 yuan; subscribe 500 yuan5. (认吃亏) accept as unavoidable; resign oneself to:这房子一定要建, 多花钱我也认了。I simply must have the house built, even if I have to spend a lot of money.




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