

释义 [dìng]1. (经过研究或商议后立下) conclude; draw up; agree on:订合同make [enter into] a contract;订计划draw up [work out] a plan;订日期fix [agree on] a date;订生产指标set a production target;订条约conclude a treaty2. (预先约定) subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); book (seats, tickets, etc.); order (merchandise, etc.):订报纸subscribe to a newspaper;订车票book a ticket;订一桌酒席order a dinner;向旅社订房间book [engage] a hotel room3. (改正文字中的错误) make corrections; revise:修订revise4. (装订) staple together; bind:用订书钉把试卷纸订在一起staple papers together;他把报纸订在一起。He bound the newspapers together.




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