

预计装卸完成时间 expected end of landing; expect to complete; 预计误差 prediction error; 预计资金运用 estimated application of funds 预计进口 anticipatory import; 预订
预订一空 预订仓位 cargo reservation; 预订座席 seat reservation 预订版 subscription edition; 预设
预译器 预试 预试验 预读头 预调
预调位置 preset position; 预调光阑 preset stop; 预调制 预调干扰机 preset jammer; 预调振荡器 {讯 } preset oscillator
预调机床 presetting machine; 预调理作业 预调电位计 preset potentiometer; 预调电容器 preset capacitor; 预调电路 presetting circuit;
预调节 预调计数器 predetermined counter; 预调谐 预调谐电路 presetting circuit 预调频率 preset frequency;
预谋 预谋杀人 premeditated murder; murder with malice prepense; 预谋犯罪 calculated crime; 预谋者 premeditator 预负荷
预购 预购合同 forward purchasing contract 预购定金 advance payments for future purchases; 预赛 预跑区
预还原 预还原炉料 prereduced burden material; 预还原球团矿 prereduction pellet 预进 预进位
预进位加法器 anticipated carry adder 预适应 预选 预选光阑 pre-selected stop; 预选变速器 preselective gear box;
预选器 预选性 preselection; 预选滤波器 preselector filter; 预选程序 prewired instruction; 预选级 preselection stage;
预选装置 preselecting device; 预选装置调节 preset regulation 预选计数器 preselection counter; 预选赛 预选送
预锻 铸模工 mouldman; 铸模机 moulding machine; 铸模架[盒] die case; 铸模树脂 casting resin;
铸模注入口 ledge 铸模润滑剂 {材} die lubricant; 铸模石膏 casting plaster; 铸模粉末 {材} moulding powder; 铸模补[辅]助注口 dozzle;
铸模车 pan car; 铸模辅注口 spray; 铸模通气针 vent wire; 铸模面料 foundry facing; 铸焊
铸焊焊缝 poured weld 铸焊钢轨接头{土} cast welded rail joint; 铸版工人 铸版间 铸电版工
铸皮 铸石 铸石复合材料 glass-ceramic composite; 铸石复相 glass-ceramic compound phase; 铸石学 petrurgy
铸石板 glass-ceramic plate; 铸石溜槽输送机 cast-basalt-chute conveyor; 铸石管 glass-ceramic tube; 铸石粉 glass-ceramic powder; 铸管
铸纸品 铸纸型 铸缝 铸罐车 铸罐顶头
铸速 铸造 铸造厂 commercial foundry; jobbing foundry; 铸造发气包 gas producing charger; 铸造叶片 cast blade;
铸造合金 铸造合金工具 cast alloy tool 铸造合金钢 cast alloy steel; 铸造圆角 curving of castings; 铸造场 casting bed;
铸造坑 casting pit; 铸造型芯撑 cast chaplet; 铸造孔眼 casting hole; 铸造实践 foundry practice; 铸造工 foundry-man;
铸造工业 foundry industry; 铸造工作 foundry work; 铸造工艺 casting technique; foundry technique; 铸造工艺图 foundry methods drawing; 铸造巴比合金 cast-babbit metal;
铸造巴比合金轴承 cast babbit metal bearing; babbit metal cast bearing; 铸造平价(法定平价) mine mint par; 铸造应力 casting stress; 铸造应变 casting strain; 铸造废品 foundry loss;
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