

训练标准 training standard; 训练模式 training mode [pattern]; 训练模拟器 training simulators; 训练班 训练用航空母舰
训练舰 training ships; 训练节奏 training rhythm; 训练营 training camp; 训练装置 trainer 训练课 training session [course];
训练负荷 training load; 训练迁移 {教} training transfer; 训练过度 overtrain; 训练进度表 training schedule; 训练量 amount of training;
训育 训诂 训诂学 critical interpretation of ancient texts 训词 训话
训诫 训诲 训迪 议事
议事录 journal; 议事日程 agenda; order of the day; standing order 议事规则 rules of procedure; rules of debate; 议价 议价单位 bargaining unit;
议价商品 commodities to be sold at negotiated price 议价能力 bargaining power; an ability to bargain; 议价范围 scope of negotiated prices; 议会 议会主义 parliamentarianism;
议会代理人 parliamentary agent; 议会党团 parliamentary groups; 议会制 议会制政体 parliamentary government 议会外交 parliamentary diplomacy;
议会大厦 议会斗争 parliamentary struggle; 议会民主 parliamentary democracy; 议会法 [英] the Act of Parliament; 议会特权 parliamentary privilege;
议会走廊 lobby 议会迷 parliamentary cretinism; 议会道路 the parliamentary road; 议会领袖 parliamentary chief; 议决
议向书 议员 议员特权 parliamentary privilege 议员豁免权 parliamentary immunity 议和
议定 议定书 议定文本 agreed text 议定结论 agreed conclusion; 议定贸易量 agreed quantity of trade;
议席 议案 议案搁置否决权 pocket veto 议程 议程增列项目 additional item on the agenda
议程说明 annotated agenda; 议程项目 agenda item; item on the agenda; 议而不决 议而不决,决而不行 议订
议论 议论文 议论纷纷 议论风生 议购
议购价格 purchases at negotiated prices; negotiated price for buying 议长 议院 议题
讯息 讯息交换 讯问 记事
记事儿 记人之过, 忘人之恩 记仇 记住 记入
记入保护 write protect; 记入扫描 writing scan; 记入数据 data-in; 记入条件 entry condition; 记入电子枪 writing gun;
记入目的 object of entry; 记入项目 entry; 记入项目标 object of entry 记分 记分册 (teacher's) markbook; grade book;
记分卡 score card; 记分员 scorekeeper; scorer; marker 记分牌 记功 记功付酬计划 {管} merit pay plan
记取 记叙 记叙体 narration; narrative; 记叙文 narration; narrative 记号
记号律 law of signs; 记号法 charactery; 记号脉冲 note pulse 记号表达式 notational expression; 记号长度 mark length;
记名 记名债券 registered bonds; 记名式单据 记名式背书 记名投票 disclosed ballot;
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