

远恶近善 远战 远房 远控系统 远摄
远摄效果镜头 Telek lens 远摄物镜 telephotolens; 远摄试验 long shot event; 远摄镜头 (电影) long shot; (摄影) telephoto lens; telephotor; 远效应
远方 远方跳闸 transfer trip 远日点 远日点冲 aphelic opposition; 远日点合 aphelic conjunction
远日点飞越 aphelion passage; 远星点 远景 远景储量 possible ore; future [prospective] reserves; 远景工业 futurity industry;
远景石油储量 prospective oil; 远景研究 advanced research 远曲小管 远月潮 远月点
远期 远期交货 forward delivery; future delivery; 远期交货合同 cash forward contract; contract for future delivery; 远期付款 payable at usance; deferred payment; paymentrespite; 远期付款交单 documents against payment after sight (date);
远期信用证 usance letter of credit; 远期利息 interest on arrears; 远期合同 long-term forward contract; farward contract; 远期外币借款票据 long bill issued in the operation of lending foreign money; 远期外汇 forward exchange;
远期外汇交易 forward exchange transaction; forward exchange dealings; 远期外汇合同 forward exchange contract; 远期外汇市场 forward exchange market; 远期外汇贴现 discount on forward exchange; 远期天气展望 further outlook;
远期差额 forward margin; 远期援助计划 forward aid program; 远期汇兑 long exchange; 远期汇率[价] forward rate; 远期汇票 usance bill; long draft; time bill; period bill; term draft; usance bill;
远期汇票价 usance bill rate; 远期溢价 contango; 远期环境效应 long term environment effect; 远期票据 long note; 远期装运 forward shipment
远期货 deferreds; 远期辐射效应 late rediaiton effect; 远木星点 远来和尚好看经 远极丝
远极孔 远极槽 远极萌发孔 远极薄壁区 远极面
远核点 远模式 远水救不了近火 远水星点 远水解不了近渴
远洋 远洋不定期货船 ocean tramp; 远洋区域 pelagic region; 远洋回游 oceanodromous; 远洋拖网渔船 distant-water trawler; long distance trawler;
远洋拖轮 ocean tugboat; 远洋捕捞 long range fishing; high sea fishing; 远洋捕鱼 deep-sea fishing; 远洋捕鲸(业) pelagic whaling; 远洋整体推驳船组 ocean integrated tun-barge combination;
远洋沉积 eupelagic; pelagic; deposit; 远洋渔业 distant-water fishery; deep-sea fishery; pelagic fishing; 远洋环境 pelagic environment; 远洋班轮 ocean liner; 远洋生物 pelagic organisms;
远洋组合船 oceangoing compoundable ships 远洋航行 oceangoing voyage; 远洋船队 marine; 远洋船(舶) oceangoing vessel [ship]; 远洋调查 expedition;
远洋货轮 oceangoing freighter; 远洋贸易 ocean trade; 远洋运输 远洋运输保险 ocean shipping insurance; 远洋运输公司 ocean shipping company;
远洋运输率 ocean freight rate 远洋通信 transoceanic communication; 远洋金枪鱼船队 long distance tuna fleet; 远海国家 远海测量
远海王星点 远涉重洋 远游 远源地震 远火点
远男症 远眺 远瞄准照尺 远示罗经 远祖
远离 远离大城市地区 Upstate [美] (州的北部地区, 尤指纽约州的北部) 远程 远程主机 distance host; 远程互作用 long-range interaction;
远程传输[送] teletransmission; 远程位置调节器 positioner; 远程作业输入 remote job entry (RJE); 远程作用 remote action 远程侦察机 long-range reconnaissance airplane;
远程信号 remote signal; 远程信息传输和处理学 telematics; 远程信息处理 teleprocessing; remote processing; 远程信息处理系统 teleprocessing system; 远程偶合 long-range coupling;
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