

调理细胞吞噬试验 opsonocytophagic test; 调用 调用位置 calling station; 调用入口 call entry; 调用分程序 invoking block;
调用地址 call address; 调用字 call word 调用序列 calling sequence; 调用指令 call instructions; 调用数 call number;
调用程序 caller; calling programme; 调用语句 call statement; 调皮 调皮捣蛋 调直
调直辊 straightener roll 调相 调相器 phase converter; 调相常数 phase modulation constant; 调相干扰 PM jamming;
调相接收机 PM receiver; 调相机 {电工} phase modifier; rotary condenser; 调相管 phasitron; 调相聚焦 phase focusing; 调相自动同步机 phasing synchro
调相运动自动化 automatic operation of synchronous condenser; 调相运行 generator operation as synchronous condenser; 调研 调研员 investigator (of older cadres, who have left their responsible posts, but still not old enough to retire, are given some work, such as “investigation work” to do) 调离
调离介绍信 调程序 调笑 调类 调糊机
调级评薪 调经 调经药 emmenagogue 调群 调羹
调职 调胶机 调船锚地 调色 调色刀 palette knife; painting knife;
调色剂 toner; 调色工 toner; stainer; 调色机 colour mixer; 调色板 palette; slab; 调色盘 palette [美]
调色碟 colour mixing tray; 调节 调节主令 regulating command; 调节仓 surge bunker; 调节位点 regulatory site;
调节作用 regulating action; control response; accommodation 调节信号相时 timing offset; 调节共聚合(作用) telocopolymerization; 调节函数 {数} adjustment function; 调节剂 regulator;
调节动物 regulator; 调节区域 control band; throttling range; 调节单元 regulon; 调节反射 {生} accommodation reflex; 调节受抑 cyclodamia;
调节变阻器 standardizing rheostat; 调节器 调节器作用 controller action 调节器增益 controller gain; 调节器容量 regulator capacity;
调节器方程 controller equation; 调节器滞后 controller lag; 调节器电池 {电工} end cell; regulator cell; 调节器电阻 controller resistance; 调节器问题 regulator problem;
调节回路 regulating loop; 调节垫片 wedge; 调节基因 regulator gene; 调节套筒 regulating sleeve; 调节子
调节室 conditioning chamber; 调节密码子 regulatory codon; 调节对象滞后 plant lag; 调节层 {土} regulating course; 调节幅度 amplitude of accommmodation;
调节平衡 adjustment; balancing; 调节径流 regulated flow; 调节性发育 调节抽气 bleeding regulation; 调节排 choke; (挤板模头)
调节排 dam; 调节控制器 adjustment controls; 调节控制盘 {电} dial; 调节放大器 resonance-amplifier; 调节机构 {纺} governor motion;
调节杆 regulating stem; standard lever; 调节标记 alignment mark; 调节棒 regulating rod; 调节水库 balancing reservoir; regulating reservoir; 调节池 {土} regulating reservoir;
调节泵 governor pump gear; 调节活塞 regulating piston; control piston; 调节活门 governor valve; 调节测量计 accommodometer; 调节温度 attemper;
调节滞后 control lag; 调节炉渣 {冶} working the slag; 调节物 instrumentality; 调节特性 control characteristic; 调节瓣 pallet;
调节电压 regulation voltage; 调节电容 control capacitance; 调节电阻 adjusting resistance; 调节痉挛 spasm of accommodation; 调节税
调节管 adjutage; 调节精密度 sharpness of regulation; 调节系数 accommodation coefficient; pondage factor; 调节系统 regulating system; 调节级叶片 regulating stage blade;
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