

购买力平价 purchasing power parity; 购买力平价理论 theory of purchasing power parity; 购买力平价说 purchasing power parity theory 购买动机 buying motive; 购买古玩 purchase antique;
购买地价格 购买奖 purchase prize; 购买抵押 purchase-money mortgage; 购买期货 buy long; 购买欲 desire to buy; desire to purchase;
购买欲刺激物 购买款 purchase money; 购买热潮 rush; 购买癖 oniomania; 购买确认书 confirmation of purchase;
购买税 purchase tax; 购买美国货法案 Buy American Act; 购买袋 [英] carrier bag; 购买证 authority to purchase; purchasing receipt; 购买选择权 call option (交易所术语);
购买限额 buying quota; 购入检验 购单 购回 购并
购得 购料单 购物 购物中心 shopping centre; supermarket; emporium 购物指南 shopping guide;
购物篮 market basket; 购物袋 shopping bag; 购留比例 购空存货 购置
购置价格 acquisition price; 购置手段 means of purchase; 购置税 purchase tax 购股单 购货
购货券 a purchase coupon; 购货单 order form; order; indent; 购货合同 purchase contract; 购货回扣或折让 purchase rebates and allowances; 购货帐单 account of purchase
购货成本 purchase cost; 购货日记帐 purchases journal; 购货确认书 order note; purchase note; 购进业务 购进外汇核定单
购进总值 购进者套期保值 购进量 购银法 购销
购销两旺 购销倒挂 purchasing price exceeded the selling price; 购销合同 contracts for purchase and marketing of the products; 购销差价 difference; 购销渠道 buying and selling channels
购销结合 purchase-market integration; 贮器 贮备 贮备技术 redundancy technique;
贮备水量 water storage capacity 贮备电池 reserve cell; 贮备量 stockage; 贮存 贮存品 store;
贮存寿命 storage life; 贮存寿命试验 storage life test; 贮存性能 shelf characteric 贮存损失 storage losses; 贮存期 storage period;
贮存束 stored beam; 贮存条件 storage requirement; 贮存环 storage ring; 贮存设备 bunkerage; storage facility; 贮存试验 storage test;
贮存靶 storage target; 贮尿器 贮尿池 贮放 贮料场
贮料堆 贮料辊道 贮木场 贮木池 贮桑
贮槽 贮气 贮气塔 gas storage 贮水 贮水器 water back;
贮水桶 water butt; 贮水槽门 handhole door; 贮水池 body of water; pond for storing water; 贮水组织 aqueous tissue 贮水萼 {植} water calyx;
贮油 贮油层 oil-bearing layer; 贮油槽 oil storage tank; 贮油池 oil storage; 贮油设施 bunkerage
贮浆池 贮液池 贮点红 贮烟丝设备 贮焦楼
贮煤仓 贮煤设施 贮物箱 贮箱管理工 贮粉室
贮精囊 贮罐 贮能元件 贮能焊接 贮能管
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