

词汇 贮存
释义 贮存贮存[zhù cún]1.keep in storage; keeping; reposition; bestowal; preservation store:这些事都贮存在他的记忆之中。All these facts were stored in his memory.母亲每年都要贮存蜜饯和果冻。Mother puts up a keeping [store] of preserved fruits and jellies every year.
常用词组1.贮存靶 storage target;2.贮存环 storage ring;3.贮存品 store;4.贮存期 storage period;5.贮存设备 bunkerage; storage facility;6.贮存试验 storage test;7.贮存寿命 storage life;8.贮存寿命试验 storage life test;9.贮存束 stored beam;10.贮存损失 storage losses;11.贮存条件 storage requirement;12.贮存性能 shelf characteric




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