

阴极活动性 cathode activity; 阴极活性试验 cathode activity test; 阴极测试 cathode test; 阴极液 catholyte; 阴极淀积 cathode deposition;
阴极温度 cathode temperature; 阴极溅射 cathode sputtering; cathodic sputtering; 阴极溅射设备 cathode sputtering equipment; 阴极激励 cathode drive; 阴极激活 cathode activation;
阴极激活程度 activity of cathode; 阴极灯丝 cathode filament; 阴极灵敏度 cathode sensitivity; 阴极炽点 cathode spot; 阴极烧杯 cathode disintegration;
阴极热子 cathode heater; 阴极熔化炉 cathode melting furnace; 阴极物质蒸发率 cathode material evaporation rate; 阴极特性 cathode characteristic; 阴极现象 cathode phenomena;
阴极电位 cathode potential; 阴极电位稳定 cathode potential stabilization; 阴极电位调节器 cathode potential regulator; 阴极电压 cathode voltage; 阴极电压调制 cathode-voltage modulation;
阴极电压降 cathode fall; cathode drop; 阴极电子学 cathode electronics; 阴极电子激发光 cathode luminescence; 阴极电容 cathode capacitance; 阴极电感 cathode inductance;
阴极电流 cathode current; 阴极电流密度 cathode-current density; 阴极电流最大值 {电子} peak cathode current; 阴极电解液 catholyte cathode liquor; 阴极电路 cathode circuit;
阴极电路电阻 external cathode resistance; 阴极电辉 cathode glow; 阴极电阻 cathode resistance; 阴极电阻器 cathode resistor; 阴极界面间电容 cathode interface capacitance;
阴极界面阻抗 cathode interface impedance; 阴极疲乏 cathode fatigue; 阴极盘 cathode disc; 阴极破坏 cathode breakdown; 阴极碳化 cathode carbonization;
阴极碳块 cathode block; 阴极稳压 cathode regulation; 阴极稳压摄像管 cathode potential stabilized emitron (C.P.S); 阴极端 cathode terminal; 阴极箱 cathode section;
阴极粒子 cathode particles; 阴极精密一字形排列彩色管 precision inline colour tube; linitron; 阴极组 cathode assembly; 阴极绝缘反相电路 floating-paraphase circuit; 阴极网 cathode screen;
阴极老化[炼] aging of cathode; 阴极耦合 阴极耦合削波器 cathode-coupled clipper 阴极耦合器 cathode coupler; 阴极耦合多谐振荡器 cathode-coupled multivibrator;
阴极耦合多谐振荡电路 flop-over circuit; 阴极耦合推挽式放大器 cathode-coupled push-pull amplifier; 阴极耦合放大器 cathode-coupled amplifier; 阴极耦合电路 cathode-coupled circuit; 阴极耦合限幅器 cathode-coupled limiter; cathode-coupled clipper;
阴极联接点 cathode connection; 阴极脉冲发生器 cathode pulser; 阴极脉冲形成调制器 cathode pulser modulator; 阴极脉冲调制 cathode pulsing; 阴极脉冲调制器 cathode pulse-modulator; cathode pulser;
阴极脉调 cathode pulse modulation; 阴极脉调三极管振荡器 cathode-pulsed triode oscillator; 阴极腐蚀 cathodic corrosion; 阴极臂 cathode leg; 阴极自动记录器 cathautograph;
阴极蒸发 cathode vaporation; 阴极补偿 cathode compensation; 阴极调制 cathode modulation; 阴极调制丙类放大器 cathode modulated class Camplifier; 阴极调幅 cathode modulation;
阴极负反馈电阻器 cathode degeneration resistor; 阴极负载 cathode load; 阴极负载二极管 cathode-loaded diode; bootstrap diode; 阴极负载放大器 cathode-loaded amplifier; 阴极跟随器 cathode follower; cathamplifier;
阴极跟随器探头 cathode follower probe; 阴极轰击 cathode bombardment; 阴极辉光 cathode glow; cathode light; 阴极辉光区 cathode glow space; 阴极输入放大器 cathode-input amplifier;
阴极输出变压器 cathode follower transformer; 阴极输出器 阴极输出器外电阻 external cathode resistance 阴极输出器探头 cathode follower probe; 阴极输出器电路 cathode follower circuit;
阴极输出器级 cathode follower stage; 阴极输出式差频信号放大器 cathode follower type difference amplifier; 阴极输出放大器 cathode follower amplifier; 阴极输出方式 cathode follower system; 阴极输出检波器 cathode follower detector;
阴极输出激励器 bootstrap driver; 阴极输出级 cathode follower stage; 阴极输出阻流圈 cathode follower choke; 阴极还原 cathodic reduction; 阴极送话器 cathodophone;
阴极透镜 cathode lens; 阴极部件 cathode assembly; 阴极量子效率 {物} cathode quantum efficiency; 阴极锚 cathode anchor; 阴极键控法 cathode keying;
阴极锻炼 training; 阴极镀层 {冶} cathodic coating; 阴极门电路 cathode gate; 阴极防蚀 cathodic protection; 阴极-阳极间距 cathode-anode spacing;
阴极陷波电路 cathode trap; 阴极预热时间 cathode preheating time; 阴极高频补偿 cathode peaking; 阴极(电解纯)铜 tough cathode; 阴极(电)紧张 katelectrotonus; catelectrotonus;
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