

频率锁定指示 frequency-lock indication; 频率锁定范围 frequency lock-in range; 频率间隔 frequency interval; 频率间隔宽度 frequency diversity bandwidth; 频率阶跃 frequency step;
频率限制 frequency limitation; 频率预测图表 frequency prediction chart; 频率预置器 frequency presetting device; 频率预置机构 frequency presetting mechanism; 频率颤动 flutter;
频率颤动测试器 flutter meter; 频率颤动计 wow flutter meter; 频移 频移变换器 {电子} frequency-shift converter; 频移数据 frequency-shift data
频移补偿 frequency drift compensation; 频移键控 frequency shift keying (FSK); frequency shift modulation; {讯} frequency shift transmission; 频程 频繁 频繁停车操作 stop-and-go-driving;
频繁性 frequency; 频繁状态 frequency (state) 高压示波器 high pressure oscilloscope; 高压空气喷雾器 high-pressure air atomizer; 高压空气喷雾法 high-pressure air atomization;
高压空气导管 air-blast connection pipe; 高压第一级叶片 high pressure first stage blade; 高压等值线 pliobar; 高压管 高压管式熔断器 high-voltage tube fuse;
高压管法兰 high-pressure flange; high-pressure pipe flange 高压管路系统 high-pressure duct system; 高压箱 high-voltage compartment; 高压系统 high-pressure system; 高压系统测漏气装置 high-pressure leak detector;
高压级 high-pressure stage; 高压纯氧浸透法 hyperbaric oxygen drenching; 高压线 high-tension cable; high-tension line; highline; 高压线圈 high-tension coil; 高压线路 high-tension line;
高压细射流采煤机 jet cutting shearer; 高压绕组 high-tension winding; high-voltage wind(ing); 高压绕组边 step-up side; 高压给水加热器 high-pressure feed-water heater; 高压绝缘 high-voltage insulation;
高压绝缘试验 flash test; 高压继电器 high-voltage relay; 高压耐油橡胶管 high-pressure oil-resistant rubber hose; 高压耦合电容器 high-tension coupling condenser; 高压聚乙烯 polyethylene from high pressure process;
高压胶合板 {材} high-pressure laminate; 高压脉(冲) high-tension pulse; 高压脉冲发生器 high-voltage pulse generator; 高压脊 ridge of high pressure; high pressure ridge; ridge; {气} wedge; 高压膨胀机 high pressure expansion machine;
高压自动保险开关 automatic high-voltage safety switch; 高压范围 high pressure range; 高压蒸汽 high steam; 高压蒸汽套管预热器 jacketed-pipe high-pressure steam preheater; 高压蒸汽机 high-pressure steam engine;
高压蒸汽枪 Vaporchoc; 高压蒸汽氧化 {半} high-pressure steam oxidation; 高压蒸汽消毒器 autoclave; 高压蒸汽涡轮 high-pressure steam turbine; 高压蒸汽灭菌器 autoclave sterilizer; high-pressure sterilizer; steam tank;
高压蒸汽腐蚀 high-pressure steam etching; 高压蒸煮 autoclaving; (高真空) 高压蓄力器 high-pressure accumulator; 高压行波管 crestatron; 高压装料 high-pressure charging;
高压装置 high-pressure installation; 高压计 high-pressure gauge; 高压计量 high pressure measurement; 高压设备 high-tension apparatus; 高压试验 high-potting; {电工} high-voltage test; high-potential test; high-pressure test;
高压试验室 high-tension laboratory; 高压试验用变压器 high-voltage testing transformer; 高压试验设备 high-tension testing apparatus; 高压调压器 high-voltage regulator; 高压调整系数 high-voltage regulation factor;
高压调节变压器 high-tension regulating transformer; 高压负荷切断开关 high-voltage load switch; 高压质谱法 high-pressure mass spectrometry; 高压贮气缸 high-pressure air; 高压转换管 injection;
高压轮胎 high-pressure tyre; 高压软管 {采矿} high-pressure hose; heavy-duty hose; 高压辉光放电灯 high-voltage glow discharge lamp; 高压输变电设备 high-tension power transmission and transformation equipment; 高压输电线路 ultra-high-tension power transmission line; high-tension transmission line;
高压输电网 grid; gridiron; 高压进水设备 high-pressure intake; 高压进汽 high-pressure admission; high-pressure gas injection; 高压远射程喷嘴 driven nozzle; 高压连杆 high-pressure connecting rod;
高压通电试验 {电工} hi pot; 高压造型 high pressure moulding; 高压造型机 high-pressure molding machine; 高压避雷装置 high-tension lightning arrester; 高压部分 high-pressure section; high-voltage compartment;
高压配件 high-tension fitting; 高压配电中心 high-tension distribution centre; 高压配电盘 high-tension distribution panel; high-tension distributor; 高压配电箱 high-tension distribution box; 高压配电线路 high-tension distributing line;
高压配电设备 high-tension distribution equipment; 高压铸造 high-pressure casting; 高压锅 autoclave; pressure cooker; 高压锅炉 high-pressure boiler; high-duty boiler; 高压闪络测试仪 high-voltage flash-over tester;
高压闪络试验 flash-over test; 高压间 high-tension room; 高压间隔 high-tension cell; 高压闸门 high-pressure gate; 高压阀 high pressure valve;
高压阳极 high-voltage anode; 高压阻尼器 high-tension damper 高压陶瓷 high-tension ceramics; 高压隔膜泵 high-pressure diaphragm pump; 高压隧洞 heavy-duty pressure tunnel;
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