

进驻 进鸟 远不济急 远东
远东广播公司 Far East Broad casting Company; 远东货运公会 Far Eastern Freight Conference 远中蛤 远主焦点 远交
远交近攻 远亲 远亲不如近邻 远亲繁殖[育种] out breeding; 远亲繁殖调节 adjustment of outbreeding
远亲近邻 远人症 远侧 远侧中心粒 distal centriole 远侧交叉 chiasma distal;
远侧温度计 distance thermometer; 远侧滤波器 telemetry filter; 远侧骨组 distale; distalia; 远光 远光头灯 far-reaching headlamp
远光灯丝 headlight high beam filament; 远冥王星点 远动化 远动学 远动接收机
远动装置 远区 远古 远台 远台削球 off-table chop; away-from-the table chop
远台打法 away-from-the table play; 远台长抽(球) long drive; off-table drive; 远台防守 long defense; far-from-table defense; off-table defence; 远因 远土星点
远土点 远在千里, 近在眼前 远在海外 远在过去 远地点
远地点发动机 apogee engine; 远地点潮 apogean tide; 远地点距(离) apogee distance 远地震 远场
远场全息术 far-field holography; 远场功率的角分布 far-field angular distribution of power; 远场区 远场区域 far-field region; 远场区辐射方向图 far-field radiation pattern
远场图(形) far-field pattern 远场方向图 far-field pattern; 远处 远大 远天
远天探测器 deep space probe; 远天点 远天跟踪网 deep space tracking network; 远天通信 deep space communication 远女症
远客 远射弓 远射武器 远射程炮 远尾流
远山近水 远岫 远弹 远征 针刺
针刺心脏手术 heart surgery with acupuncture anaesthesia; 针刺感 picotement; acanthesthesia; needling sensation; 针刺感应 needling response; 针刺手法 manipulation of acupuncture; 针刺效果 acupuncture effect;
针刺方向 needling direction; 针刺机制地毯 needleloom carpeting; 针刺机 {纺} needle machine; 针刺检查 prodding; 针刺火帽 stab cap;
针刺疗法 atylostixis; acupuncture treatment; acupuncture; acupuncture therapy; 针刺织物 {纺} needle punched fabric 针刺结合织物 needle bonded fabric; 针刺药 prickling powder; 针刺蟹 porcupine crab;
针刺行气 inducing needling sensation; 针刺角度 angle of needle insertion; 针刺诱导 acupuncture induction; 针刺轮 spiked cylinder; 针刺镇痛 acupuncture analgesia;
针刺雷管 stab detonator; 针刺麻醉 acupuncture anaesthesia; 针刺麻醉仪 acupuncture anesthesia apparatus; 针刻 针刻凹版 drypoint;
针刻腐蚀凹版 {刷} drypoint etching 针剂 针压 针压力 needle force 针压法 acupression; acupressure;
针叶 针叶乔木群落 conisilvae; aciculisilvae; 针叶云母 {矿} siderophyllite; 针叶木 针叶木本群落 conilignosa; aciculignosa
针叶林 针叶林土 coniferous forest soil 针叶林群落 conophorium; 针叶树材 deal; coniferous wood; 针叶树林 coniferous forest; aciculisilvae; coniferous species;
针叶树 {植} coniferous tree; conifer; cone-bearer; 针叶植物 coniferophyte 针叶植被 {生态} aciculignosa; 针叶潜叶虫 needleminer; 针叶灌木林 conifruticeta;
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