

血块 血块收缩时间 clot retration time; 血块阻塞 clottage 血块黄层 buffy coat 血块黄层培养 blood clot culture;
血块黄层收缩 blood clot retraction; 血型 血型不配合 blood group incompatibility; 血型分类 typing of blood; 血型嵌合体 blood group chimaera;
血型抗原 {免疫} blood group antigens; 血型检定 typing of blood; 血型物质 blood group substance; 血型糖蛋白 glycophorin; 血型系统 blood group system
血型鉴定 blood grouping; 血培养 血培养基 blood media; blood medium 血如泉涌 血孢子虫
血孢子虫病 haemosporidiasis 血容量减少 血容量过多 血寄生物 血寄生真菌
血寄生虫 血小板 血小板不减性紫癜 non-thrombocytopenic purpura; 血小板减少性紫癜 thrombocytopenic purpura; thrombopenic purpura; 血小板减少症 thrombopenia;
血小板减少(症) thrombocytopenia; 血小板功能试验 platelet function test; 血小板压积 thrombocytocrit; 血小板增多 thrombocythemia; thrombocytosis; 血小板增多症 piastrenemia; thrombocythemia; {医} thrombocytosis
血小板异常 blood platelet disorders; 血小板明区 hyalomere; 血小板机能不全 thromasthenia; 血小板毁损 thrombophthisis; 血小板母细胞 thromboblast;
血小板比容 thrombocytocrit; 血小板比容计 thrombocytocrit; 血小板溶素 plakins; 血小板溶解 thrombocytolysis; 血小板激活因子 platelet activating factor;
血小板生成 thrombocytopoiesis; thrombopoiesis; 血小板素 血小板缺乏症 aleucia; aleukia; 血小板计数 platelet count; 血小板辅因子 platelet cofactor;
血小板过多 hyperthrombocytemia; 血小板颗粒 granule of platelet; 血尘 血尘病 hemoconiosis 血尿
血尿病 red water; 血尿素过少 血尿蓝母过多 hyperindicanemia 血尿酸过多 血居吸虫病
血岛 血崩 进料加工出口 export of products made of imported materials; 进料室 feed space; 进料工 feeder;
进料拨杆 kick-in arm; 进料斗 feed hopper; feed magazine; feeder hopper; boot; 进料机 feeder; 进料机构 feeding mechanism; 进料板 feedboard;
进料槽 feed chute; loading chute; 进料泵 {化工} charging pump; 进料滤器 feed strainer; 进料滤网 intake screen; 进料盘 entry table; feeding dial; feeding disc;
进料端 feed end; 进料装置 feeder unit; feeding apparatus; 进料辊 feed roll; charged rollers; draw roll; feed roller; 进料辊道 feeding roller table; live-roller type feeding table; 进料速度 charging rate; feedrate;
进料量斗 batcher; batcher scale; 进条 进来 1 进来 2 进栈
进格 进棉口 进棺材 进款 进步
进气 进气冲程 {机} induction stroke; admission stroke; air inlet stroke; charging stroke; input stroke; intake stroke; 进气凸轮 admission cam; air inlet cam; 进气压力曲线 admission pressure curve; 进气口 air inlet; suction port;
进气喇叭口 air horn; 进气噪声 induction noise; 进气孔 air intake; 进气室 air inlet housing; inlet chamber; 进气导程 admission lead;
进气扩散道 free air diffuser; 进气接头 inlet connection; 进气时期 inlet period; 进气歧管 {机} induction manifold; inlet manifold; intake manifold; manifold inlet; 进气活门 air inlet valve; air intake valve;
进气消声器 intake muffler; 进气消音器 admission air silencer; 进气温度 air inlet temperature; 进气滤网 air inlet screen; 进气点 admission;
进气管 admitting pipe; air inlet pipe; air intake pipe; drawing lift; suction piece; wind bore; penstock; air line; snorkel; schnorkel; inlet connection; 进气线 admission line; 进气缸 inlet casing; 进气道 进气道加热器 airscoop heater;
进气道性能 inlet characteristic 进气道畸变 inlet distortion; 进气道调节 inlet control; 进气量 air inflow; air intake flow; inlet airflow; 进气阀 {机} intake valve; admission valve; air intake valve; inlet valve;
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