

随机分组法 randomized blocks; 随机分配 random assortment; 随机判定过程 stochastic decision process; 随机加权法 stochastic weighted method; 随机加速器 stochastic accelerator; stochatron;
随机化 randomization; randoming; randomizing; 随机区组设计 randomized block; 随机参数 random parameter; 随机取数存储器 random access storage; 随机取样 random sampling; random grab;
随机取样伏特计 random-sampling voltmeter; 随机取样示波器 random sampling oscilloscope; 随机变化 random variation; 随机变参数系统 random variation parameter system; 随机变量 {数} stochastic variable; random variable; chance variable;
随机可观测性 stochastic observability; 随机器材包 fly away kit; 随机噪声 random noise; 随机噪声干扰 random noise interferenec; 随机噪声电压表 random noise voltmeter;
随机噪音相关 correlation of random noise; 随机场 stochastic field; 随机型模型 随机处理 random process; random processing; 随机失效 random failure;
随机存储器 random storage; random access; direct access; 随机存取 random access; direct access; arbitrary access; 随机存取存储器 random access storage; random access memory (RAM); 随机存取存储装置 random access storage device; 随机存取库 direct-access library;
随机存取文件 random access file; 随机存取时间 random access time; 随机存取程序设计 random access programming; 随机存取计算机 random access computer; 随机定向 random orientation;
随机实验[试验] random experiments; 随机客梯 随机工程师 随机差错 random error; 随机干扰 random disturbance;
随机平行排列 random parallel alignment; 随机序列 random sequence; random series; 随机应变 随机引晶 random seeding; 随机弯曲 random bend;
随机强制函数 random forcing function; 随机微分 stochastic differential; 随机微分方程 stochastic differential equation; 随机微积分 stochastic calculus; 随机性
随机性决策 stochastic decision; 随机性故障 random fault; 随机性检验 randomness test; 随机性模型 stochastic model 随机扫描 random scanning;
随机扰动 random disturbance; stochastic disturbance; random perturbation; 随机扰动最优化 random-perturbation optimization; 随机抽样 random sampling; 随机振动 {力} random vibration; 随机振幅分布 random amplitude distribution;
随机探寻 random searching; 随机控制 stochastic control; 随机搜索 random search; 随机效应 stochastic effects; 随机数
随机数位 random digit; 随机数发生 random number generation; 随机数发生器 {自}random number generator; 随机数序列 random number sequence 随机数检验法 testing method of random numbers;
随机数表 table of random numbers; table of random digits; 随机数(生成)程序 random number generator; random number program; 随机整数 random integers; 随机文件 random file; 随机文法 stochastic grammar;
随机方案 randomizing scheme; 随机方法求积 stochastic method of quadrature; 随机方程 stochastic equation; 随机时变信道 random time-varying channel; 随机时变线性系统 randomly time-varying linear system;
随机最优控制 stochastic optimal control 随机有序样本 random ordered sample; 随机服务系统 stochastic service system; 随机杂波 random noise; 随机杂波加权网络 random noise weighting network;
随机标记 random labelling; 随机样品[样本] random sample; 随机检索 stochastic retrieval; 随机模型[模式] stochastic model; 随机模拟 stochastic simulation;
随机次序 random order; 随机正弦波 random sine wave; 随机水文学 statistical hydrology; 随机法 randomized; 随机波 random wave;
随机波动 random fluctuation; 随机流动 random flow; 随机测度 stochastic measure; 随机涨落 random fluctuation; 随机涨落数据 randomly fluctuating data;
随机渐近行为 stochastic asymptotic behavior; 随机游动 random walk; walk; 随机游动步数 duration of random walk; 随机游动法 random walk method; 随机漂移 random drift;
随机独立 stochastic independence; 随机现象 chance phenomenon; 随机电子流 random electron current; 随机疲劳试验 random fatigue test; 随机相位 random phase;
随机相位误差 random phase error; 随机相加过程 additive process; 随机矢量 random vector; 随机矩阵 stochastic matrix; 随机码 random code; hatted code;
随机积分 random integral; stochastic integral; 随机积分方程 stochastic integral equation; 随机稳定性 stochastic stability; 随机符合 random coincidence; 随机策略 randomized policy;
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