

高速播种开沟器 high-speed boot; 高速播种机 high-speed planter; 高速操纵 high-speed handling; 高速收发报 high speed radio message transmission and reception; 高速数字 high-speed figure;
高速数字传输系统 high-speed digital transmission system; 高速数字计数器 high-speed numerical counter; 高速数字计算机 high-speed digital computer; high-speed digital counter; 高速数字集成电路 high-speed digital integrated circuit; 高速数据采集系统 {自} high-speed data acquisition system;
高速数据集合 high-speed data acquisition; 高速断路器 high-speed circuit breaker; {电工} quick-break switch; 高速旋转 vertiginate; 高速旋转接头 high-speed joint; 高速时滞反应 jet leg;
高速星 {天} high velocity star; 高速显字管 compositron; 高速显影 rapid development; 高速暂存存储器 scratch pad memory; scratch pad storage; 高速机头 high-speed handpiece;
高速机床 high-speed machine tool; 高速机构 high-speed mechanism; 高速机翼 high-speed wings; 高速机车 express locomotive; 高速机载火箭 high velocity aircraft rocket;
高速柴油 high-speed diesel fuel; 高速柴油机 high-speed diesel engine; 高速档 top gear; high gear; 针形接点 plug; 针形插孔 {电} pin jack;
针形柱塞 needle plug 针形检影法 belonoskiascopy; 针形热[温差]电偶 needle thermocouple; 针形电极 needle electrode; 针形轴承 nail bearing;
针形阀 needle valve; 针形阴极 needle-shaped cathode; 针扎 针排 针排位伸机 paradrafter
针排前导率 faller lead; 针排头 dog; 针插 针插不进, 水泼不进 针术
针板 针板打击次数 faller drops; 针板螺杆 faller screw 针极 针极打印机[印刷机] stylus printer; matrix printer; wire printer; wire matrix printer;
针极放电技术 pin-electrode discharge technique 针柄 针柄灸 {中医} needle warming moxibustion 针柱石 针根
针梳 针梳机 pin drafter; gill box; gilling machine; 针梳牵伸机 pin drafter 针棘状 针法
针灸 {针灸} feel distended 针灸刺激点 acupoint; 针灸医生 acupuncturist; doctor of acupuncture and moxibustion; 针灸器械 instrument for acupuncture and moxibustion;
针灸大成[全] Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion; 针灸学 针灸学专著 monograph on acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸宜忌 indication and contraindication of acupuncture; 针灸师 acupuncturist;
针灸意外 acupuncture-moxibustion accident; 针灸推拿学 science of acupuncture, moxibustion and massage; 针灸治疗 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy 针灸甲乙经 Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion; 针灸疗法 acupuncture-moxibustion therapy;
针灸针 acupuncture needle; acupuncture pin; 针灸铜人 bronze acupuncture status; 针片 针状 针状体 spicule;
针状内窥镜 needle endoscope; 针状冰 [瑞] pipkrake; {水文} acicular ice; fibrous ice; satin ice; 针状刚毛 {生} acicular seta; 针状刮垢器 needle scaler; 针状叶 {植} needle;
针状叶荸荠 needle spike rush; 针状屈氏体 acicular troostite; 针状峰 {地质} aiguille; 针状嵌合 gomphosis; 针状打字机 wire printer;
针状断口 needle fracture; 针状星云 acicular nebula; 针状晶体 acicular crystal; 针状测试点 {电工} needle test point; 针状温差电偶 thermo needles;
针状焦 needle coke; 针状物 {天} spicule; solar spicule; needle; 针状电极 needle electrode; pinshaped electrode; 针状突起 nadel; 针状粉末 needle powder;
针状纤维 raphioid fiber; 针状组织 acicular constituent; 针状结晶 acicular crystal; 针状结构 acicular structure; 针状触角 spine (射线虫的);
针状贝氏体 acicular bainite; needle-like bainite; 针状金须茅 awn grass; 针状铸铁 {冶} acicular castiron 针状集合体 {地} acicular aggregate; 针状马氏体 {冶} acicular martensite;
针独居石 针电极 针皮革 针盘 针盘传动滑轮 dog;
针盘针 coverer 针眼 1 针眼 2 针砭 针突
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