

配电变压器 distribution transformer; distributing transformer; 配电变压站 distribution transformer station; 配电变电站[所] distributing substation; 配电室 switchhouse; switch board room; 配电屏 switchboard; distribution board;
配电干线 distributing main; 配电开关 panel switches; 配电开关板 cross board; 配电所 distribution substation; 配电损耗 distribution loss;
配电板 distribution panel; distributing board; power board; switchboard; keysets cabinet panel; electrical panel; power board; 配电柱 {电工} distribution pillar; 配电点 {电工} distributor point; 配电熔线盘 {电工} distribution fuseboard; 配电环 distributor track;
配电电压 distribution voltage; 配电电器 electrical power distribution apparatus; 配电电缆 distribution cable; 配电盒 block terminal; 配电站 {电工} substation; power distribution station;
配电箱 distribution box; distributor box; pot head; cabinet; switchbox; 配电系统 {电工} distribution system; electric distribution system; 配电线 distribution wire; 配电线路 distribution line; distributing line; 配电网 distribution network; electric distribution network;
配电装置 distribution apparatus; switching arrangement 配电设备 controller switching equipment; 配电费用 distribution cost; 配电部件 power distribution unit; 配画诗
配盘天平 配眼镜 配磨 配磨装置 match grinding device 配种
配种场 covering yard; 配种季节 mating season; rutting season; 配种性能 serving performance; 配种期 service period; mating; 配种架 breeding crate; service crate;
配种率 breeding rate; 配种站 breeding station 配种能力 breeding capacity; potency; 配称建筑 配穴
配穴法 point prescription 配筋 配筋不足 under-reinforced; 配筋率 ratio of reinforcement; steel ratio; 配筋砌体结构 reinforced masonry structure
配筋耐火砖 reinforced refractory; brick; 配筋面积 area of reinforcement; 配系 配素 配线
配线区 distributing district; 配线图 wiring diagram; 高层 高层云 altostratus (cloud) 高层大气
高层大气光化学 upper atmospheric photochemistry; 高层大气动力学 {气} upper atmosphere dynamics; 高层大气压力 upper atmospheric pressure 高层大气探测 upper atmospheric exploration; 转付款项
转仪钟 转位 转位分子 translocator; 转位单元 transposable element; 转位因子 transposable element;
转位子 transposon 转位成分 transposable element; 转位时间 index time; 转体 转体跳 turning leap;
转体跳水 twist dive 转侧式平炉 转侧滑车 转储 转储方法 dump method;
转储检验[测] dump check; 转储点 dump point; 转储线路 unloading circuit 转入 转入成本 transferred-in cost
转写 转决 转出 转分 转分保
转分保分公司 retroceding company; 转分保合同 retrocession treaty; 转分保手续费 overriding commission 转分保接受人 retrocessionaire; 转分保金额 amount retroceded;
转分手续费 转到侧线 转剧 转动 1 转动 2
转动交链 rotary joint; 转动体 rotor; 转动元件 rotating element; 转动光谱 rotation spectrum; 转动全息图 rotating hologram;
转动副 revolute pair; 转动力矩 rotating torque; deflecting torque; driving torque; torque; 转动半径 radius of gyration; 转动双曲柄 rotating double crank; 转动反演 rotary inversion; rotatory inversion;
转动反演轴 gyroide; 转动叶轮 wheel rotor; 转动孪晶 rotation twin; 转动定位器 swing stop; 转动导管 steering nozzle;
转动常数 rotational constant; 转动平衡 rotary balance; 转动异构 rotational isomerism; 转动式停车标志 转动式开关
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