

高等菌瘤 batonoma; 高等院校 institutions of higher learning; colleges and universities; institute; 高粘度 高粘度指数油液 high-viscosity index oil 高粘度水 high viscosity water;
高粘度油气田 high-viscosity crude oil field; 高粘度泵 high-viscosity pump; 高粘度胶粘剂 high-viscosity adhesive; 高粱 高粱收获机 broom corn picker; broom corn picking machine; broom-head harvesting machine;
高粱秸 sorghum stalks; 高粱米 husked kaoliang; 高粱蚜 kaoliang [Chinese sorghum] aphid [aphis]; 高粱酒 kaoliang; 高粱酸 kafiroic acid;
高粱醇溶蛋白 kafirin; 高粱饴 sweets made of sorghum syrup; sorghum candy 高粱黑粉病 sorghum smut; 高精密度 高精尖
高精尖产品 high-grade, precision and advanced [sophisticated] products; 高精尖设备 high quality precision equipment; high-grade precision and sophisticated equipment; new equipment which is high-grade, refined and advanced in kind 高精度 高精度光学比较仪 omtimeter; 高精度公式 high-accuracy formula;
高精度制图系统 Coragraph 高精度压力计 high-grade pressure gauge; 高精度定位系统 high-accuracy position system; 高精度机床 high precision machine tool; 高精度水准测量 high-precision leveling;
高精度测量 high-accuracy survey; 高精度激光装置 high-precision laser installation; 高精度肖兰导航系统 hiran (high-precision shoran); {航空; 航海} short range navigation; 高精度近程导航系统 hiran; 高精确度
高级 高级丝花缎 fleur de soie; 高级中学 senior middle school; high school; 高级主管人员 senior executive; 高级书写纸 bond paper; bank paper;
高级人民检查院 high people's procuratorate; superior people's procuratorate; 高级人民法院 higher people's court; 高级人物 high-up; 高级代那买特炸药 {材} high-grade dynamite; 高级优质铸铁 {冶} high-duty castiron;
高级会议 summit meeting; 高级低共熔体 hypereutectoid; 高级侦察卫星 advanced reconnaissance satellite; 高级债券 senior bonds; 高级充茧绸棉布 [美] soisette;
高级兵种训练 {军} advanced branch training; 高级农业生产合作社 advanced agricultural producers' cooperatives; 高级加密 superencipherment; 高级加工产品 high-grade processed goods; 高级化合物 higher-order compound;
高级印度薄纱 adarsa; 零伏开关 零伏调整 零传播子 零伦
零位 零位偏差 zero offset; 零位偏移 zero drift; zero offset; 零位偏角 null angle; 零位分析 zerology;
零位力矩 null torque; 零位参考电平 zero reference level; 零位平衡 null balance; 零位延迟 zero lag; 零位恢复装置 zero resetting device;
零位扫描速度 zero scan speed; 零位指示器 zero-position indicator; zero indicator; 零位校验器 zero checker; 零位检查 zero check; balance check; 零位法 nil method; null method;
零位测量法 zero method of measurement; 零位滑移 zero-slip; 零位滑移区 zone of zero slip; 零位漂移 zero drift; zero shift; 零位漂移误差 zero-drift error;
零位电压 total null voltage; 零位电极 {化} null electrode; 零位电阻 zeropoint resistance; 零位畸变 origin distortion; 零位移相器 zero phase shifter;
零位精确调整 fine zero adjustment; 零位置 零位装置 null-setting device 零位误差 error of zero; zero-error; 零位读数修正 zero reading correction;
零位调整 zero adjustment; zero set; zero setting; zeroing; {军} zero deflection; null adjustment; nulling operation; zero control; 零位调整器[装置] zero adjuster; 零位调节[整]螺钉 zero adjusting screw; 零位调节电位器 zero trimmer; 零位谓词 zero-place predicate;
零位面 zero-potential surface; 零位频率 {电工} zero frequency (z.f.); 零余子 零余子人参 ninsi 零余子蓼 serpentgrass;
零保持 零信号 零信号区域 zero-signal zone 零信号板流 zero-signal plate current; 零值
零值中止 {电工} zero pause 零值人口增长 zero population growth; 零值指示 {讯} null detection; 零值方法 {电工} zero method; 零值星历表 nul ephemeris table;
零值检验器 null detector; 零值法测试 零值测试 {电工} null detection; 零值滤波器 null filter; 零值电势计 null potentiometer;
零值电流计 zero galvanometer; 零值经济增长 zero economic growth; 零值补偿 null fill-in; 零假设 零偏压
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