

超音频探伤 ultrasonic testing; 超音频猝熄 hyperacoustic quenching; 超音频电报 {讯} superaudio telegraphy; 超额 超额产品 above-quota product;
超额保险 excess insurance; overinsurance; excess coverage; 超额储备金 excess uction group has overfulfilled the quota today. 超额出材率 overrun; 超额利润 superprofit; excess profit; exorbitant profit; extra profit; 超额利润税 excess profits tax;
超额剥离量 {采矿} advance overburden; 超额剩馀价值 excess [extra] surplus value; 超额奖金 bonuses for topping quotas; 超额奖金税 tax on the above-norm bonus; 超额完成 outperform;
超额征税 overtax 超额损害赔款 excessive damages; 超额现金 excess cash; 超额生产 excess production; 超额生产能力 excess capacity;
超额累进税 progressive tax of the income from wages and salaries in excess of specific amounts; 超额累进税率 progressive rates levied on income in excess of specific amounts; progressive rates on amounts in excess of specified amounts; 超额补偿 surplus compensation; 超额计件工资 wages paid for above-quota piecework; 超额载荷 surplus load;
超额通量 overflux; 超饱和 超验 超高 超高分子量 superhigh molecular weight;
超高分子量聚合物 superhigh molecular weight polymer; 超高功率电弧炉 ultrahigh electric arc furnace; 超高压 超高压充油电缆 extra-high voltage oil-filled cable; 超高压压缩机 superhigh pressure compressor;
超高压发生器 extremely-high tension generator; 超高压变压器 EHV transformer; 超高压密封 superhigh pressure sealing; 超高压技术 superhigh pressure technique; 超高压水银灯 extrahigh-pressure mercury vapour lamp; ultrahigh-voltage mercury arc lamp;
超高压汽轮机 superhigh pressure turbine; 超高压液压机 ultrahigh pressure hydraulic press 超高压电源 EHT supply; 超高压电网 supergrid; 超高压脉冲发生器 {讯} extra-high-tension pulse generator; pulse extra-high tension generator;
超高压计量 ultrahigh pressure measurement; 超高压设备 extrahigh tension unit; superpressure plant; 超高压输电线 ultrahigh-tension transmission line; superhigh-voltage power transmission line; 轻质油 clean oil; 轻质砖 light-weight brick
轻质缩绒织物 mahout; 轻质耐火材料 lightweight refracrory; 轻质耐火浇注料 light weight castable refractory; 轻质耐火混凝土 light weight fire resisting concrete; 轻质胶合板 lightweight plywood;
轻质船 clean ship; 轻质隔墙 light partition wall; 轻质面砖 light tile; 轻质骨料{材} aglite; lightweight aggregate; 轻质高铝砖 light weight alumina brick;
轻贱 轻贴角焊 轻赀好义 轻赀重义 轻躁狂者
轻车熟路 轻车简从 轻轨 轻转配合 轻软手感
轻轻 轻载 轻载断路器 underload circuit breaker 轻辅音 轻运动
轻迫配合 轻重 轻重倒置 轻重缓急 轻重量级
轻野炮 轻量 轻量型钢 light gauge steel; 轻量封装 {半} lightweight package; 轻量电缆 light weight cable;
轻量级 {体} lightweight; 轻量货品 light cargo; 轻量运输船 light-weight shipment 轻金属 轻金属冶金 light-weight metal metallurgy
轻金属合金 light metal alloy; 轻金属结构 light metal structure; 轻金属钩竿 slingding; 轻钊 轻钢盔
轻链 轻闲 轻阵风 轻雾 轻霍乱
轻霜 轻革 轻音乐 轻风 轻风拂面
轻飏 轻飘 轻飘飘 轻馏伤 轻馏分
轻馏分挥发性 front-end volatility; 轻馏分馏出装置 reducing unit 轻马掌 轻骑 轻骑兵
轻骑热 moped mania 轻骨料 轻麻风 轻鼠疫
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